We have to confront a hard truth that few people seem to want to face about the Souls games...

>we have to confront a hard truth that few people seem to want to face about the Souls games, including From Soft themselves. But here it is: the combat is nothing remarkable. There is no aerial combat, and that equates to mediocre gameplay. In terms of actual complexity, there's not much going on. There's not much *depth*, and that wouldn't be a problem except the series has increasingly leaned on its action elements more and more while refusing to incorporate juggling, hot weapon swapping, dodge cancelling or even a simple style meter. So prepare to roll again and again, and again and again and again.

Attached: matthew.jpg (900x900, 31.92K)

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He's right, the funnest part of the Souls games is the exploration, problem solving and discovery.

I watched 6 hours of his ds video i thought he liked it

meanwhile, most people farm the same bonfire 40 times

Is this shit gonna be reposted every day now?

The situations and variety of scenarios is what serves the combat. If the encounters are designed like puzzles you strategically move through it's good. When it's just a hyperarmor knight in a wide open room than it's not very interesting.

I love how gaming brit basically said the same thing and constanntly wants games to be like his cuhrayzee shit but hes hated here yet when matosis does it Any Forums loves him

>when mat does it it’s ok
more like mat is more popular or just the chosen scarecrow to baitpost with. When’s the last time you’ve seen a thread like this where anyone discusses anything? They’re all one and done OPs.

People like souls because of the art style, something about cosplay tier mashup of medieval armor used asynchronically makes them wet, I love seeing elite knight using a 16th century armet with a 12th century surcoat

Matosis is a huge faggot and I never watch his shit. Is that the reaction you want here? Well there you go.

I wonder if he ever commented on these constant misinfo threads. It's funny how people keep falling for it.

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More intresting than DMC

>I came into this thread because I have very strong opinions about this person whose content I have never watched

Does this faggot really think the combat is the hook and not having a limited toolset against varied and interesting enemies, forcing adaptation and problem solving instead of mashing dodge into air combo into meter burn every single encounter?

Dark souls encourages the player to develop strategy, timing and execution, DMC combat is solely timing and execution. I actually consider it to be less engaging despite being more complex to execute

If you actually watched his video on it no

I hate this guy for not being better considering how smart and hard-working he clearly is, but at the same time I'm grateful he's at least a few years ahead on this kind of obvious shit

>Does this faggot really think the combat is the hook and not having a limited toolset against varied and interesting enemies, forcing adaptation and problem solving instead of mashing dodge into air combo into meter burn every single encounter?

He's right, combat is shit.
That's why I liked sekiro way more than the OG souls.

If you play a soulslike but somehow find the combat boring why the fuck are you playing it?


>limited toolset against varied and interesting enemies, forcing adaptation and problem solving
Souls doesn't even do that.

>we have to consort a hard truce that a few people want to save face about the Souls games. Intruding From Soft eachother. But here's the spice: the combat is nothing remedial. There isn't anaerobic combat. and that elates to me the ochre gameplay. In terms of actual perplexity if you will, there isn't very many things on the screen. There's not much *breath*, and that's alright to accept the series as encroachingly preened on its transactional elements all the time while refusing to cooperate jiggling, hot warping shopping, dodge durango or even a simply styled odometer. So premier the roll over and over, and over and over and over.

Attached: 1643185247489.jpg (604x401, 28.17K)

I'm not wasting six hours of my life to figure why some random youtuber justifies his contrarian take about souls combat.