The reason people think videogames are for boys only is because nintendo marketed their system as a "toy"...

the reason people think videogames are for boys only is because nintendo marketed their system as a "toy", and the toy industry is heavily gendered between boys and girls
before nintendo, gaming wasnt as much as a boy's club as you'd think it is

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Chicks only want Nancy Drew and Barbie racing and red dead

Adam, tell me what Gamergate was really about!

What an ugly shirt.

I'm glad that I know alpha males don't actually exist. Thank you Adam! Wow he is a really smart guy!


it's cuz women don't like vidya

just hear me out
Women weren't able to keep up with more complex games because they have biologically inferior spatial skills and console games lack the same kind of socialization seen in the early arcade scene?
This isn't meant to be an attack on women, just a thought. They can do as they please and are probably better off without vidya.

Fuck I read that in his whiny voice

And face. And tie. And jacket. And pocket square. And tailor job.

I've been playing video games since I was 5 and I don't think I've ever played an online game with a girl. Pretty sure it's a guy thing just like football

This place had nothing to do with gamergate, that was mostly a reddit thing

the reason is because women mentally age faster than men a 13 year old is on a mental age as a 18 year old male. when they get 18 and turns hags they are like 30 mentally and have moved beyond children stuff like playing bideogames!

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They also don't get that video games tap into humanity's primal drives to compete or cooperate with each other, which is a big deal for those that can't fulfill that in their regular life.

Before the NES a single shitty game was enough to crash the entire bloated American video game market. Also, being a nitpicky twat like this "Adam" faggot, there were no video games before Nintendo as the company has been around since the 1800's, well before the invention of even the "video" part of "video games."

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>women can't into competition
Where's that fucking story about the woman who tried to start an all women company and the entire thing devolved into a competition to see who could out bitch each other?

Here, the story was originally on the Daily MAil but when you click on the link the article hides itself like a little bitch for some reason.

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I hate this smarmy cunt.

He just has a face that make me irrationally angry. I can't help but want to punch it.

Games were always at the IT section, not among toys. These guys are so desperate to fight gender based natural interests that it's kinda weird.

You obviously weren't here when it happened.

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That isnt competition. It's sabotage. None of them are striving to attain goals in a competitive format. Theyre just trying to sabotage each other, it's a tumble to the bottom rather than a race to the top.

Conflict is rooted in the same drive as competition is retard.
