Cyberflunk is the gift that keeps one giving

Cyberflunk is the gift that keeps one giving.

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>He doesn't have a gigabit connection
It's about time you moved out of the third world.

45gb for features that were available in a 500mb 20 year old game

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>cdprojekt fix your game ree!
>ree why are they fixing the game!

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They fixed nothing lol, watch them release another giant patch with only minor fixes

.......there's a patch for LA Noire?

The game is packaged up in a few large files. Updating even a little bit requires them to download the entire thing again.

yes they removed all scenes of Kelso being based against women

>steam can't do binary diff patching
Shit platform.

>having cybertranny installed on your pc
enjoy tranny aids on your pc

Is it good yet? it's half off on steam.

>it's steam's fault
the gog version is exactly the same
this is a cdpr thing

played for 3 hours
can't even tell the difference
the new stuff is retarded shit that should have been in the game since day 1 (being able to customize your character and buying a new house)

cdpr basically makes you download the whole thing all over again.


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yup and none of the changes do anything for the shallow experience underneath

Any optimization fixes?

uninstalling the boring game and playing something better is best optimization you can do

download and installed this shit because how bad can it be after 2 years right?
>visual glitches all over even on the fucking tutorial mission, STILL (turning every single setting to low or high doesn't fix it)
>police still just spawns behind you
>NPC fighting AI still braindead even at highest difficulty still
guess I'll wait another 2 years

Move out of the third world shithole, how is 50GB even an issue in 2020+2?

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re-downloading the entire game every patch is stupid
stop defending this retarded shit