Equip load scales with Endurance in Elden Ring

>equip load scales with Endurance in Elden Ring

Behold, the average "DEX" build

Attached: DEXie in Elden Ring.jpg (406x611, 137.91K)

I see nothing wrong with this, knight who has trained to be fast and strong in his armour. Just like how they were in real life

Equip load being removed from the STR stat is kinda disappointing.

They made armor terrible in 3, elden ring is likely to follow suit, so leveling vitality was a terrible investment,
I'd prefer they make armor good, but at least this way I can fashion souls without having to put points in a useless stat.

Estrogen Ring

gonna be a repeat of DS3 PvP where you get the longest dex weapon with the quickest attack you can and just spam attacks


No way he can wield a shield that big and solid without a hefty strength investment (at least 24). Might as well be a quality build at that point.

by souls standards that's just a (large) medium shield, would require mid teens STR.

Nah, look at it in comparison to the size of his body, that's a Large Shield with a medium shield aesthetic, and it's solid steel. Easily 20 weight units or more.

>big ass armored dude with a kitchen knife
kinda kino if you ask me
never touched a dex build in my life though
i had to level it for a quality build i am sorry

cant wait to be wizard guts

Attached: image_2022-02-16_070713.png (181x278, 79.91K)

equip load on END kills build variety, as all builds especially melee, be they STR Quality or DEX will have the same equipload as everyone lvls END

Attached: 836868798367.png (706x1000, 1.05M)

You discord trolls are really losing your grip aren't you?

Endurance isn't a dex trait, it never was. And literally everyone knows this. Just like in DaS, it's something all characters need, melees more than most. But above all, it's absolutely vital to strength characters, because their UGS weapons desperately need those extra swings, and their shields can't survive without that stamina.

For dex chars it never made much difference if they had enough stamina for 4 or 8 attacks, since they'd have to roll out of the way anyway. Stamina discovery was much more important.

All this change does, is add to the number of variable builds.


Why did they do this? Dex weapons are basically always the best, at least there was some advantage to strength builds with it scaling up equip load. Bummer.


Since when? Since ER seems to be essentially DaS3, 2.0, we can assume the level and stat soft cap distribution will be roughly the same.
The ideal SL through DaS1/3 was in the 80-120 range. Thats' enough to get barely 2 stats to 60 - which is the usual ideal soft cap for non-shared builds -, and then a few levels left over.

This means every str / dex build will have to compromise between their primary stats of VIG & STR, or VIG & DEX, and their secondary stats of END for stamina and equip load and MIN for those FP's since in ER the weapon skills and abilities will feature a much larger role so FP is not just a caster stat anymore.

So mathematically speaking you will only have enough stats for 50-60% of max softcap for all your vital stats. That's not to even mention quality or caster hybrids, which will as always be quite highly limited.

Let's not forget that VIT was literally proven to be the inferior stat in DaS3. Up until roughly 45-50, VIG was the far superior choice. This made playing around with any sort of heavier armor a business exclusively reserved for suboptimal fashion souls hobbyists, or some few rare niche builds that depended on extreme tankiness, or just that special sweet spot for hyper armor poise made for very specific kinds of PvP.

ER doesn't need more niche, like DaS3 had. It needs even more truly viable options. The END change gives us that.

The poise in elden ring is like Ds1 poise

>elden ring is likely to follow suit
poise is back so no

>All this change does, is add to the number of variable builds.

You're absolute brainlet who only plays at a surface lvl. Literally every melee build pumps END to 35/40, be they STR/DEX or QLY, so in ER they will all have the equip load. That LOWERS the builds variation as every build will be able to rock the same or similar level of armour. There is no CHOICE to be made.

It's also a relative nerf to STR builds as their weapons way much more than DEX weapons, meaning dex builds will have more room left for heavier armour than the STR user, which is what the OP image is implying.

Attached: 1325664623.png (512x512, 44.91K)

Unpopular opinion but I wish armor upgrading was a thing again. I like the stat go up element of RPGs, and if they're concerned with it being a resource sink, just make it cost no souls and use a different resource than weapon upgrades.

The funny thing is that they completely removed hyper armor on weapons (except the great lance for some reason) and there is ONLY poise
And poise for some reason can only ever prevent 1 hit from staggering you at a time, so even in the heaviest armor available, your great axe swing will get interrupted with 2 dagger R1s

>objectively wrong: the post.

120/125 is by far the most common coop/pvp SL in DaS3, and literally every melee build goes 35/40 endurance depending on ring setup. ER will be no different, meaning most builds will have the same or similar equip load.

That objectively lowers build variation as everyone has access to the same shit. There's no choice to be made.