Replaying Silent Hill 2, 3 made me realize how much I hate modern games

Replaying Silent Hill 2, 3 made me realize how much I hate modern games.

Yes, the core gameplay is the same at all times.
You are essentially keyhunting, backtracking, trying to avoid enemies, concerving ammo and solving logical puzzles, but it so fun and varied.

Whereas in an Ubisoft the core formula never gets variety and you are expected to do it for 30-100 hours.
Remember when Assassin's Creed 1 had flags to collect? That was an optional quest, but its standard gameplay in modern AssCreed.
Even Half-Life 2 realized HL1 had too much of a certain element (platforming) and made the sequel more diverse and interesting.

The same people who like Ubisoft games past 2009 are the same ones who clap at cape-shit movies.

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You forgot atmosphere

Ubi open world style sludge is typically marketed (and defended by retards) as "pLaY tHe wAY yoU WAnT" but in reality the mechanics are shallow, enemies dumb and lacking variety, level design is basic and the overall game is easy and dull as dishwater.

I miss handcrafted AAA and AA experiences so much.


Yeah SH will ruin other games for you. Looks sounds plays great and is a genuinely good and worthwhile experience. Spoils the rest of the slop that gets pumped out


I'd say that the fundamental difference is that Silent Hill respected your time in the sense of wanting each hour it gave you to be a good and memorable one. While Assassin's Creed respects your time in the sense it seeks to fill as many as possible for you. Silent Hill is an artisan product to the nu-AAA fodder.

Farcry2 was a game you could meaningfully play the way you wanted and everyone fucking despised it. Greatness has never been for the masses, we never implemented eugenics so we had no good reason for ditching this understanding.

big sniffffffg

FarCry 2bunironically sucked in every possible way except for minor details that you sometimes noticed. It was also the exact same ubishit open world that we would get for the following 10 years but jankier. The only good thing the game had was that it still had a bit of SOUL in it, but that's just that.
Stop being in denial.

2 is a masterpiece I only came to appreciate when I played through it last year for halloween. I played through it when I was younger and didn’t think much of it but now that I’m not a teen it’s incredible. Was thinking about it for a few days after finishing and cried when Mary read her letter :,(
Silent Hill 3 is good too cos Heather is based af.

>variety is good
So by that logic does that make all souls games shit since all you do is kill things?

Heather's stinky, sweaty pits with a three day stubble!

I just played Silent Hill 2 and then 1 for the first time recently, both were great. I liked 2 more, but I'm surprised at how well the first one holds up

I've heard mixed things about 2 or 3 being better, what do you guys think? I'm going to play 3 soon

With realism comes stagnation, i noticed how boring the environment looks in that new horizon game. Although everything is colourful and beautifully modelled, the end result looks generic. Like something from ArtStation or deviantart's front pages.

you have literally described why I have not bought a Ubisoft game since far Cry 3.

I like 3’s “vibe” better but 2 is the best in the series hands down no cap on god

SH1 is the best game in the series.

>Farcry2 was a game you could meaningfully play the way you wanted and everyone fucking despised it
You've just exposed yourself. FC2 was shit, the fire mechanic was useless in real gameplay, the outputs were awful, and having cars continually trying to run you over for an insta-kill made combat a pain in the ass.

Far Cry 2 has one (1) good moment and it's when you're moving between the two maps and you have to snipe someone in a big truck convoy.

Farcry2 doesn't have constant autosaves. Nobody talks about this but it's the key thing it did right and something nobody has the balls to do anymore. Every action has weight when it ties into the next hour or so of things you'll be doing. One giant open ended arcade style experience in which you win or die. That's badass and that's what war games are terrified of giving us now.

1 >=3 > 2



i had plenty of great moments playing farcry2. the mods helped a lot i'm sure but these are additions to a bold and brilliant skeleton of fundamentals.

I love the lethal enemies who actually do dangerous and intelligent stuff like trying to ram your ass dead with a car and who fight like they want to live and win, i love the weapon selections and how they allow for genuinely different and varied approaches, I love that you can get massively different emergent situations based on how you approach something. My rusty looted grenade launcher exploding halfway through my ambush of a weapons convoy might have been the most fun I ever had in an fps.

>far Cry 3.
>Here's a big island to liberate
>You've beat the big bad, well done!
>Here's another island to do it all again with a generic whyteboi pmc villain
What were they thinking?

>So by that logic does that make all souls games shit since all you do is kill things?

who said soulsshit was good? only ds1 is good

i'm about 90% sure that the endgame decision twist was meant to be at the middle of the game. I've read nothing on the subject, it just makes perfect thematic sense on every level. I'm pretty sure the point of the game was going to be "embrace normalfag civility or continue on a path of increasingly meaningless escalation of violence because you think it's fun". Placing the decision at the end of the game robbed it of weight because embracing civility robs you of nothing, since the game is ending anyway. Having to kill your normalfag virtual friends to unlock the second half of the game would have been a genuinely transgressive statement on violence. So obviously it could never happen. I imagine someone at ubisoft eventually read the script for farcry2 after it came out and realised the game is pretty much hitlerian in character. after that no fun allowed.