Proves beyond all doubt that video games can be art

>proves beyond all doubt that video games can be art

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Gonna need some proof.

Name one (1) game he made that was good

MGS4. If you disagree then you just got filtered. Checkmate.

All of them now kill yourself

NO WAY! la creatividad!

More like video games can be FART!!!!!!!

video games will never be art

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Ueda beat him to it with ICO, but I agree that MGS2 was a genuine watershed moment. It's genuinely a massive shame he couldn't match it with the other games, and retroactively it's really strange to see Kojima be so uncared about nowadays - but I get it, because zoomers simply aren't gonna be moved by MGSV/DS the same way.

MGR, the rest of the franchise is shit, and all his other games are shit too

Kojima is a hack

mgs5 is his only bad game. mgs 1, 2, and DS are all masterpieces.

3 geniuses walk into a restaraunt.

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Basically hollywood shill

that game is fucking awful and I'm a huge metal gear fan

>proves beyond all doubt that video games can be art
>and proved that art is boring
>and proves video games should always endeavor to be the opposite of boring
>and proves that video games should not be used as a medium for a self-indulgent artist

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Why do you people so desperately want games to be art? Do you think people will think of you differently for playing games?

>sales matter
retard lol.

Games can be art, but it should not be the focus. They are first and foremost, games, so they should get the basics right before moving onto the rest.


because they are? Art doesn't have to be good and people said the same thing about movies last century.