Elden Ring

why are the recommended specs so fucking high?
The game looks no better than Dark Souls 3 and you need a GTX 1070 to run it? I know the GPU is 6 years old, but it's still more than capable of running other AAA titles smoothly.
I have a RTX 2070 and Ryzen 3600 and that just scrapes the pass mark. What the fuck?

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Anyone retarded enough to believe the official specs in 2022 should just quit PC gaming

anyone retarded enough to believe that it looks no better than Dark souls 3 is from discord and does not agree with their gender given at birth

Maybe it is bullshit. To be fair, it's capped at 60fps. can't see you needing a beefy PC to run a PS2 looking game at 60fps.

because theyre wrong

What the fuck is with these specs threads all the time?
Is it just bunch of 12 year olds who bought computer to play fucking eldern ring?

No. It's just how PC specs are shooting up rapidly in a time where you can't get your hands on a GPU without amputating a limb.

dx 12 feature level 12 is most likely true
hopefully some workarounds will come up. maybe vkd3d would work?

Very important info: Only PC review code is being given out. Console bros I don't feel so good.

what fucking dx12 card doesn't have feature level 12_1?

Zoomzooms who built a computer several years ago to be like their favorite streamer are now paying the price.

>reee stop talking about trannies
> is the only person talking about trannies again and again.

Rent free user also not vidya, seethe, cope, etc.

>it looks no better than ds3
sure buddy

Attached: elden-ring-character-creator.jpg (800x500, 36.61K)

the character creation screen is the only place where it looks better.

Play a PS2 game.

That's the player models. The world looks absolutely no better, infact it looks worse.

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you bloody fucking moron, this shit is heavily downscaled in the actual game

i smell copium shit im going to faint

>The world looks absolutely no better, infact it looks worse.

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1. the game runs 1080p in ps4 which is infinitely weaker than even the minimum pc requirements
2. the graphics look like crap compared to stuff like rdr2 and cyberpunk which have lower requirements
3. in the current market a fucking gtx 1650 costs 300 hsd and that is weaker than the minimum required gpu.


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>the game looks like shit
>"you're coping!!!"
sounds more like youre the one coping defending crap visuals.

its actually pretty sad when you cant even tell which game is which


>I have a RTX 2070 and Ryzen 3600 and that just scrapes the pass mark. What the fuck?
That's well above recommended specs dude.

Elden Ring actually has enemies that aren't just dudes with guns, and I doubt enemies and NPCs will disappear when you turn around like Cyberjunk

Looks a million times better than Mud World 3D

Attached: erds3.jpg (3455x936, 2.95M)

My GTX 770 goes up to 11_0 but supports Vulkan 1.1

Is this bait or delusion?

>Elden Ring actually has enemies that aren't just dudes with guns
rdr2 has melee wielding humans and plenty of different animals. not that it has anything to do with the gpu requirements, though.

I know that, but it's still worrying that my PC is already on the verge of being the bear minimum.

RDR2 ran on console that's the equivalent to a PC from 2007 at a stable 30fps with a beautiful massive expansive world.
Elden Ring needs a GTX 1070 and Ryzen 3600x just to have 60fps. Let that sink in.

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Get glasses nigger

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not a chance these will be release specs. it's a fucking ps4 game. i mean i can fun it fine but it doesn't look like a game that'd need those specs as minimum