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>stuck making games that run at 45~ fps at 540p
With how shit the gaming industry has become, I'm sure Nintendo will buy them.

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Sony will buy them to release a Bayonetta netflix series and you will like it.

Nah, Uncle Phil should buy them and revive Scalebound

Good, fuck your gay little opinion


>wanting Platinum to be held back by tendie hardware

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Acquisitions should be illegal

It would be hilarious if capcom bought them.

>720p E-for-everyone MGR2
This is some monkey paw shit.

why tho? Platinum is basically ex capcom employees

I thought tencent already did this?

that's why it would be funny, retard

>their best games are on Nintendo platforms
>held back

kek'd hard

Another company spreading their asscheeks for daddy Phil to come and save their dying studio, how sad.

>quit capcom for creative freedom
>forced to make shitty licensed games to survive
>give up freedom again
being talented at making video games is actually such a waste of your life

>their best games are on Nintendo platforms

You can't really make buying things illegal, as there are times when it just makes sense. However most acquisitions only serve to diversify the company, which is not in the best interests of shareholders who chose the original company for a reason.

Nintendo can have them

Platinum is in this really bad position where their games are well liked but they don't own shit so the brand is worthless. It's cheaper to wait for them to go under and hire the staff.

3 of their 4 best games were never released on a Nintendo system.

>No Nier

it's Tencent and you guys already know it

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>Platinum wants to continue to languish in mediocrity and shit out a decent game only once in a while
just let them die already

don't think nintendo will bother


>buy us but don't actually buy us
thats not how this works

That's not what they are saying at all.

i really fucking hope nintendo doesnt buy them. you know damn well that games will get a severe downgrade because all their games will have to run on switch hardware.
i own a switch but i dont want to fucking see that shit. bayo3 already looks rough as is and Astral Chain was a nightmare to play.

>bayo3 already looks rough as is
it looks really fucking great. same as bayo2
>and Astral Chain was a nightmare to play
one of the best games I've ever played

no one is going to buy them, well maybe sony theyre retarded.