Bird bimbo

>Bird bimbo
I sleep
>Flat cat chest

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B-cup is not flat. It's perfection.

I love all the character designs except for this guy.

He's just one or two clothing adjustments away from being good.

>Flat cat chest

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I like the jacket and hes a million times better than rex but that's a low bar

Do you hate knee pads ?

As a fan of Xeno1 someone who bounced off of Xeno2 for being overtly otaku-bait, these character designs alone are making me excited to jump back into the series. Does that make sense? Anyone else feel the same way?

Yeah, a lot of us are.
I feel like 2 existed just to fund this game.

>I like the jacket and hes a million times better than rex but that's a low bar
you can take off his jacket

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I didn't even play Xenoblade 2 and even I know it's disgusting low quality coomer trash. Thankfully Monolith is going back to their roots and listened to us.

It was shit. I don't even know how I beat it. It took me a whole year because I kept on not playing it for weeks on end and my total game time was only 46 odd hours. I was so excited for the game when the teasers were shown too.

>low quality coomer trash. Thankfully Monolith is going back to their roots and listened to us.
Sure, KOS-MOS was a nun.

>Thankfully Monolith is going back to their roots and listened to us.
Oh yeah...

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>Post game Elma design
Based secondary.

>People still don't get that Xenosaga was written by Takahashi's mentally ill wife and was a departure from the series

>I didn't even play Xenoblade 2
We already know that, Pedoera

They are degenerates and continue to be degenerates. To say that they have changed is false.

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Stop pretending you care about this series, Mim

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>There are living breathing human beings that would jerk off to this abomination

>>Thankfully Monolith is going back to their roots and listened to us.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah yea, sure hahahaha

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Get the fuck out of my thread, we're talking about Xenoblade 3, nothing else.

He already has a good version his name is Flynn from smt or fei from xenogears

>B-But Saga tho!
Every time.
Can't bring up anything in Gears or Blade, because it doesn't suit the narrative.

I mean, KOS-MOS is in XC2.

And XC2 is coomershit.
Your point?

That their roots also have coomershit

In the same boat. The fact that all characters so far over over 18 makes me hope it's a darker themed game overall, and if there is romance it's more like Tales of Arise and less one eyed trouser snake jokes and 'KYAAA ECCHI' *slap*. Although this may just be wishful thinking.

You probably don't even know KOS-MOS isn't the main character of her game

A cast of all adults having humor like XC2 would be really fucking weird.

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I'll say it again, get the fuck out of my thread

Does it matter if she's the main character or not? Coomershit is coomershit.

I love how you didn't deny the fact you never played it.


Get out shitposter

Thread was going great until this retard posted

I love how you didn't deny the fact that it's coomershit

Why is he a retard?
Lots of use were disappointed by 2.