Holy shit

Attached: Screenshot_20220215-052851_Twitter.jpg (1080x1491, 597K)

Other urls found in this thread:


call da cybapoleece

>big countdown to reveal an...acquisition!
You idiot believe the stupidest shit

Attached: wtf32.jpg (682x813, 128.34K)

Nice joke, there's no way anyone would let them acquiring two big publishers at the same time

It's a joke tweet, but people here will believe it because they react instead of research


fake and gay

in your wet dreams, xnegro

It's going to be Village DLC. How many fucking times do I have to say it?

> hacking the RAM

Attached: D3AF8CB4-A6A5-43C5-844B-5D149CE3D9E7.jpg (924x810, 141.99K)

hello? anti-trust department? it's for you, phil

Can Microsoft just buy the whole game industry this is getting crazy


>Hacking the RAM

how much of a brainlet do you have to be to make up this obvious lie, let alone believe it

>Phil Spencer
>Vice President

Fake as fuck

I downloaded the hacked RAM and overclocked it on my CPU and it's actually heckin crazy what I found out

it's better than downloading the ram

Big news and yikes!

>Vice President of Xbox Game Pass

>hacking the RAM

Attached: hacker.gif (498x469, 3.02M)

The media is constantly lying to you but an image on an anonymous imageboard is fact just is okay???

mfw I hack The JavaScript to expose microsoft glowies

Attached: 68747470733a2f2f692e70696e696d672e636f6d2f373336782f62302f33332f38372f62303333383735353235376633343836386538383039313636623766313833362e6a7067.jpg (603x591, 57.86K)

Its obviously a new game reveal retard

A man after my own heart

>not blurry
>not tilted


Nintendies and Snoys would fucking kill themselves.

>hacking the RAM
>that log
You can rest assured a large number of retards will fall for this

I just hacked Capcom's IP and universal serial bus; it's real

>mfw I open the html and look at meta tags and get access to the js

Attached: 1616188969324.jpg (612x612, 90.62K)

>Phill Spencer

It has 920 retweets.
I don't know if it's a lot or little because I can't into twatter though.