
Attached: FUN3BBbXsAACHNt.jpg (1434x2048, 280.35K)

Looks pretty good to me

Based Chris Austin

Dimes. Bald wrestlers always get over.



He can make it work

Remsburg got fat

>Baron Corbin gets a aging rockstar gimmick

it has to be a hair match. who would you have him face?

needs to grow a full beard if he's going cue ball

Kenny, just because I can’t imagine him without his hair

>JAS becomes Hair Club for Men

Didn't he challenge Ortiz to a hair match? Could happen then

Attached: Eggicho.jpg (1122x564, 103.53K)

Surprisingly he can pull it off if this photoshop is anything to go off of but personally i dont think he should do it. His hair has always been part of his look and his hairline is fine. His opponents hair is way more thin and can pull off being bald even better so i dont see jericho losing this one.


Attached: cbefd0e35055a98f0eecb6f92f3e84b2_crop_exact.jpg (1200x1200, 102.92K)

Hank from Breaking Bad

Jericho unironically looks good in anything. He makes everything work. Truly the GOAT.

That's a pretty based look, though if he really wants to make memes he would rock a skullet for the wizard gimmick for a while.