If you thought PvP tryhards ruined DaS3, Elden Ring will be worse

Why?: Hardswapping + swappable weapon arts (ashes of war). I'll explain: So if you've played DaS3 coop/pvp for any length of time, you'll know it has degenerated into non-stop glitch cheating (estus cancel etc) and menu hardswapping. What is hardswapping? It's when you swap weapons from your inventory instead of the intended item slots. Why do they do this? Three reasons:-
>It's FASTER than using the item slots, as there's no animation played when the swap is made like there is when you use the intended item slots
>As there's no animation, the switched weapon is instantly ready to attack and the enemy was given zero visual queue to react to
>It gets around the intended equip load mechanic, as the weapons aren't taking up weight in the item slots

If you're not aware of these things, here's an example of it all in use (he plays on console btw). Look at how often he's instantly switching weapons via inventory + abusing glitch cheats like estus cancel:-

Continued next post.

Attached: 1644481697643.jpg (3840x1969, 2.35M)

ALL of this is in Elden Ring - at least it was in the CNT. Now this brings me to what will make Elden Ring even worse because of hardswapping - the swappable weapon arts aka Ashes of War.
>So in ER you can apply many different ashes of war to the same weapon type
>Now remember, there's no animation shown when you swap weapons via the inventory
>so sweatlords will use the Cheat Engine (EAC won't stop this form of off-line cheating) to give themselves duplicate weapons and any ashes of war they want
>they can then hardswap between the same weapon type from their inventory with different ashes of war applied to each of them, and as there's no animation shown for the swap the enemy has no way of knowing what weapon art attack they will pull off next at any time

So as an example, lets say the sweatlord has 5 longswords in his inventory, each with a different weapon art applied. He invades you and your buddy. He can now switch between these versions instantly via hardswap faster than you can swap via the item slots, and you get zero visual queue to tell when he makes a swap, meaning you have no idea which weapon art hes going to use on you next.

Take it from someone who has 1k+ hours in DaS3 PvP. I don't abuse glitches like tryhards do, but I know exactly how they think and understand the mechanics. Unless FROM take action against hardswapping (could be as simple as adding a swap animation to inventory swaps), this shit WILL be abused and it WILL be absolute cancer for the games multiplayer.

Attached: 68468562842.webm (854x480, 2.93M)

if you're that worried about it just play offline

No, we don’t have to worry about cheaters and hackers. If they cheat then just report them and move on. That is why you don’t want to linger around the game. You’ll eventually meet the sewer that is going on in the game. If you stay motivated and complete the game, you should technically not even see them.

These things only happen in pvp arenas or fight clubs.
It's better to invade, it's way more fun.

Most things in souls games are reactable. This leads to a stagnant meta where nobody can land a hit if their opponent isn't braindead. Hardswaps allow for a measure of unreactability and unpredictability that is good for the game overall.

i hate niggers

>Hardswapping + swappable weapon arts (ashes of war).

Attached: Hard(core) swap.webm (1326x740, 2.86M)

I'll invade and hardswap

Filtered lul

post your seethejak

user, this shit happens non-stop in DaS3 invasions in both console & PC. Every multi-player invasion has at least of these sweatlords

I don't care, pvp is just a side mode for me that I ignore. Bigger problem is that the game will probably be zoom zoom DS3 shit instead of kino DS1 shit.

Git gut trash, you are not the fromsoftware audience

>IE someone who doesn't remember Dark Souls 1 release.
Be a child in another thread

Slow, shallow and casual ds1 combat will never come back and that's a good thing, only small minority wants that

DS3 combat has less depth than DS1 combat.

How are you gonna tryhard when 90% of the playerbase is not part of the online play? Only people with summoned phantoms can be invaded.

Does it bother anyone else that meme formats have stagnated at this point?

>(EAC won't stop this form of off-line cheating)
source: my ass

Final boss leak when


Absolutely delusional lmao
DS3 completely blows the original out of the water

Restricted DS1 combat has less complexity than DS3, but unrestricted glitch tech DS1 makes DS3 look about as mechanically complex as Pong.