The combat in this game was pure shit and I'm glad literally none of it made it into Elden Ring :)

The combat in this game was pure shit and I'm glad literally none of it made it into Elden Ring :)

Attached: Sekiro_art.jpg (220x275, 22.87K)

Jumping made it into it. And it seems extremely OP combined with attacks.

Do people have some weird selective memory? You can jump in DaS and Bloodborne lol

>none of it made it in
how do we tell him lads?

Actually filtered lmao

It's like you can't enjoy different games or something. Don't you have ANYTHING better to do with your life?

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I'm thinking of a word that describes OP and it rhymes with Biltered.

Honestly I'm just glad I don't have to deal with any of the nonsense and can get back to good ol' rolling and blocking.

rhymes with baguette

Just a reminder that pic related didn't even bother finishing the game because it was so beneath him. That should give you an idea of this "game"

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Not as easily nigger.

Based, sekiro is a bab game with 30 active frames on their "high skill" spammable l1 that can be held to also guard in case you are literally that bad. While DS3 only has 13 active frames on a roll that if you miss time gets you hit.

Nobody cares about ecelebs or twitch gamers unless you're a fucking zoomie.

I think the posture system is worth exploring in other types of action games, even if a break doesn't gaurantee a deathblow.

Keep seething
Haven't touched Souls while I enjoyed the shit out of Sekiro
Elden Ring will be my first dip into Souls shit
Will be choosing the class that is the closest to having me deflect and parry shit like in Sekiro
Which seems to be Vagabond if I'm not mistaken

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Janky garbage though. You can't go back to shit after Sekiro adds jump and jump attacks. Bloodborne perfected backstabs too but they ditched it

Thats cope. You know how popular his voice is. If he doesn't review Sekiro. That means something.

that faggot got filtered by a real action game because it had none of that Hackiyma autism shit. What else is new?

Mate it looks janky in Elden Ring. I'm not expecting it to be a big part of the gameplay. It'll still just be rolling and stabbing, and that's just how I like it.

Posture system is literally just KI in Nioh, they stole it and then shat it up with instakill moves while also letting you spam attacks at no cost and then making it so yours never breaks if you just time an l1 (ezmode).

Attached: REn dicked.webm (720x405, 2.94M)

best combat they ever made
but it was too fast too hard for soul retards

>You know how popular his voice is
Not the person you're replying to, but I don't
Didn't know the cunt existed until I entered threads on this forsaken board

I like it too
Except Dark Souls 3

>that faggot got filtered by a real action game
user this is the guy who considers The Wonderful 101 to be the best game ever made. He's not getting filtered by "a real action game".