You a gamer dude?

you a gamer dude?

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its fucking hilarious how sam's video made idubbz seethe so much that he released his own and included a 20 minute lecture on irony to try to justify his childish grudge on sam hyde for taking his video down like 7 years ago

2 rounds with the pulse rifle? take em out. i prefer the shotgun tho. shotgun'll- shotgun'll make it's- it's bad news for any zombie. i'll take on the entire zombie apocalypse, just gimme a shotgun. you ready for the zombie apocalypse?

Idubbbz is just another Fantano like. Both did an 180 after 2016. If anything his video proved he's always been a lil bitch that got so butthurt about a copyright strike.

no more vertical videos

Dark Skyes was the only funny thing Sam did and he ran it into the ground and DMCA claimed the artist who drew all the stuff for him

>le unfunny man but it's funny because im pretending to be unfunny i have so many layers ehheh

it was an obvious collab

my mom is cool and my mom will treat you ri-ight

And then I get a little sugar in me..

An Inconvenient Anime is still his best work

I didn't know who idubbz was before the simp stuff so he came across as such a little bitch when with Sam

why cant he make good content anymore

Because muh politics.

Nick, what's goin' on big guy? You just tripped my wife.

Brain problems, please understand.

fuck off, ian.

he hangs out with sound cloud rappers

C'mon, Joe. He works really hard out there. LET EM ON YOUR SHOW!


*he hangs out with sycophants that he doesn't even have to pay because just being able to hang out with their e celeb idol is enough (that's why they are all so talentless and unfunny)

this guy is a modern day holden caulfield who has an inflated ego from his height and weight