Gamers be like

Gamers be like
>$100 to smell nice? Too much!!!
>Oooh! Elden Ring for $50, what a deal!

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Other urls found in this thread:

kill yourself

>kill yourself

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It's a waste of money because cologne can't mask your stinky personality.
Also if you're not actively pursuing women, the odds of one pursuing YOU are astronomically low.
That being said you can get good cologne for like 40 dollars and it lasts over a decade if you use it sparingly

I have a bottle of lacoste white I rarely use because at work I'm not trying to fuck anyone and my co-workers are all men so I don't wanna smell inciting.

My old cologne smells overly musky.

Just buy deoderant nigga

Incel chud moment

I've only ever failed on dates when I wasn't wearing this

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For me it's Margelia

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No one can tell the difference between this shit and some 10$ str8 cologne.

I've been with trashy delaware girls and you can absolutely tell when they're using cheap perfume. I already have a shitty sense of smell so I imagine it would be like an assault for someone who actually can sniff

reminder that wearing perfume is a female thing to do, if you're a man and use anything besides deodorant consider sex reasignment surgery or the rope

I wear Bleu de Chanel. Thoughts? I know it's a little mainstream, but it impresses shallow middle managers and college girls into thinking my net worth is double what it really is.

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>Wearing deodorant
Enjoy your aluminum stains.

I dont because im not an unwashed retard and can trim my pubes, im just saying its the maximum you're allowed to wear as a man without being a faggot

that’s $40-50 in walgreens

I'm a washes retard and I still smell like sweat and cock if I don't put anything on.
Versace kinda sucks anyway, you have to wear old man cologne that smells like wood.

you can buy oil knockoffs on ebay that smell just like the original and they last much longer

and they’re only a few bucks

nice try sissy fag, real men only need to shower once a week at most. you probably use body wash too kek

enjoy your skin cancer

Did we really need this thread a second time?

>I know it's a little mainstream
A lot, the problem is that perfumes like that or one million, la nuit de l'homme or chrome are so common, that you feel like another random person. Wear something that people will think of as "oh it smells nice here, X is definitely here", something that represents you because a perfume is something very personal But your perfume itself is nice

is it acceptable to wear something musky in the summer? I don't know what to get that isn't just fruity. Maybe something beachy? Might as well just wear suntan lotion, it smells better.

nintendies be like
>$0.00 to shower? Too much!!!
>Oooh! a new amibo for $50, what a deal!

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I bet you're into watches too
That's the kind of superficial attention that you're going to attract though

Get something more marine and fresh, there's a fuckton of them that scream summer without being fruity at all

>Buying Chinese mystery oils
Let me guess you also use dollar store skin cream

where the fuck are you getting that from? even a gym membership isn't free.

I'm not really a connoisseur, and usually an expensive cologne stands out enough unless you're in a city or a top company. I'd like to get something more unique like that without having to buy dozens of samples or travel 100 miles to the nearest metro area for an obscure parfumier.

Tough luck user, looks like your dating days are over

I still have half a bottle of picrel that my dad had ever since i was a kid. It's all i've ever needed

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i bought vince camuto cologne from belk and it made my skin itch like crazy.
but i can use an oil knockoff with no problem.

I don't wear any fragrances
I don't get haircuts
I haven't gone clothes shopping in 12 years
I am in sweat pants and a bath robe for 98% of my waking existence

This is me. I am beautiful

just gotta make this bottle last a lifetime

If you're using plural on "dates" then that means you've failed.

I have this one for a special occasion. Every time I use it, girls just melt.

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I don't like aftershave, the alcohol is too much and my skin is already dry.
I got a bottle handed down and I just put it in a small vaporizer bottle and spray it on musky older clothes to remove smells.

Pic related smells way better

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Very plain but based tastes