Need to be able to read

>need to be able to read
>need attention span longer than 5 seconds
what are some other games that mentally cripple zoomers

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Literally any game that assumes you have the manual in hand for reference.

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The original KOTOR games, 1&2 have got to be getting close to this. Same with Mass Effect.
Ill bet even Skyrim is close, they already hate New Vegas because its too much reading/too much talking

Mass effect is pretty accessible

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>i'm so smart because i like to read the wiki about my game just so i can play it!

i remember i bought kotor 1 because i liked the jedi outcast series series and expected kotor owuld be similar. instead I fgot this super awkward and cheesy rpg with turn based combat. I was so disappointed for the first hour then i started really enjoying it a lot.

and yes i didnt look into the game much before buying it, star wars games were always good back in the day.

user, there was no such thing as a "wiki" when Pools of Darkness came out you retard.

>being terrified of adversity
>being unmotivated to do literally anything that isn’t clout

>you know what makes me feel like a big brained mighty adventurer? having a book in my hand while i play that tells me literally everything there is to know about the game!

There had already been some shit ones by the time that KOTOR came out. Yoda Stories, Masters of Teras Kasi, Force Commander, Shadows of the Empire (yes it was bad.)

Seyda Neen is beyond comfy and you all fucking know it

lol, way to prove the point user.
I don't feel big brained at all for it, its just a fucking manual, you're the one who is apparently gatekeeped by something so simple.

>Remember how old games essentially punished you for not autisticly planning out your built 20 levels in advance?
>That was a feature. We're going to go out of our way to lean into that..

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>Zoomer is literally in pieces over the thought of a game manual.

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>ywn take over an abandoned murder house with a free slave in balmora

>gatekeeped by shitty obtuse design that requires breaking my own immersion to understand what's happening
oh no however will i recover

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KOTOR its self is a dumbed-down copy of NWN.

>gatekeeped by shitty obtuse design
The game was shipped on 720KB floppies and can run on a computer with only conventional memory (640KB).
The text wasn't in the game due to memory constraints user. This was the norm in the 80s and early 90s for DOS games.
Guess you're also too fucking stupid to take era and hardware in to account.

to be fair, most people used manuals to 100% a second playthrough since final fantasy was notorious for being hard locked out of rewards if you didn’t grab them at a given time. there was no waiting for a patch to come out to play the game again

There might be a fortnite thread on /vm/ if you need help getting a grip :/

I was born in 1997 and Morrowind is my favourite game.

Any JRPG where the party members don't talk or aren't extremely in-your-face with their personalities.

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