Isn't funny

>isn't funny
>stutters his way through improvs that are ultimately unfunny
>laughs for no reason
>adds nothing
>is self-righteous and says Let's Plays are bad yet continues to return to LP'ing
>is gay and talks about his homo desires contstantly
>YELLS and shitty fake crying

Attached: Julian.png (512x512, 330.21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I like Julian because I had a friend who I made him laugh in the same way and he is the best thing that ever happened to me. I never had as much fun as when I made that friend laugh to tears.

he can be an aspie sometimes but that's what makes him endearing

same, we would watch YTPs together, nobody irl knows what the fuck a YTP is.

Ah yes, another E-celeb thread.


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but he did le funny yoshi noise that one time!


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Fucking kill yourself e-celeb fag
Go complain about it on their subreddit where you belong

If the episode doesn’t have Zach I don’t watch it. Simple as

>yet continues to return to LP'ing
When, where? didn't they fuck off and never even beat YIIK

but yeah if it was just Jullian and one other guy it would be quite painful

Julian had sex with none other than Nikocado.

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Thanks for bumping the thread, faggot. Maybe learn to sage, you dumb reddit nigger.

they're just friends having fun, why would they need to be fake just for your enjoyment. They don't even use a facecam, they just don't give a fuck.

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>why would they need to be fake
That's the issue, he comes off as very fake. He's no good at improv and just screams and stutters his way through it. He does that stupid fake crying (see the Monkeyball series) and it's grating. If he just relaxed a bit and acted like a normal human, he might be endearing, but instead he tries so hard to put on a show, it's annoying at best.

At least he doesn't get mad when chris calls him a faggot

>that surreal experience when working at fast food years back and my coworker asks me if I know the JoJ
Of course I showed him some of my favorites later, like this gem

He cute tho

He has/had good chemistry with the other twom he's also not that unfunny, its just that ding dong and chris are really funny.

>The pokemon time is niiiine o threee

When he's funny, it's like a diamond in the rough

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He was there as a package deal with Ding Dong, and once they stopped recording in the game grumps studio Oneyplays became a very comfortable gig for them, able to cover a lot of expenses for one day of recording a week.
The problem is that outside of Oneyplays, their only source of cash was Julian's porn and Dingdong's patreon, which is like half a job worth of cash combined.