Why is Bloodborne held in such regard?

Why is Bloodborne held in such regard?

It just feels like the emperor has no clothes.

As an action game, it lacks depth. Likewise but even moreso as an rpg. The gameplay itself ranges from passable to decent. But maybe that is all it needs to be. World building, art direction, atmosphere, aesthetic- this can all matter just as much. But this is where bloodborne categorically fails.

The game does not even run at a stable 30 fps, the art style is cluttered and lacks composition, and the aliasing is some of the worst we've seen on the ps4. I am sorry but it is a remarkably ugly and fluttery game. I am genuinely shocked that people think it looks beautiful or amazing. Resident Evil 0 from 2002 looks better.

I think of all the souls games, it also has the easiest base game especially with the rally system.

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PS4 Exclusive

How many times will you make this autistic thread and how many times will you be blown out?

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He only did that between paragraph breaks though, not after every sentence. Not everything needs to be a wall of text.

She looks like she gets pet by human men

Cute kot, it's too bad your opinion is shit

They're adventure games, barely ARPGs, and not action games. The RPG mechanics are not the draw of the games, but rather the exploration, enemies, bosses, atmosphere, etc. Same with the combat. Sekiro has better combat but is largely considered not on the same level as Bloodborne.
The world direction, atmosphere, music, world-building, lore, etc, are all top-notch. These are the reasons it's considered a cut above the Dark Souls games that cannot compete. These qualities are so good someone even made a fan game. You say it categorically fails here, but provide no explanation. BB is considered one of the most atmospheric games ever made.
Furthermore, you will not be able to explain why the game "lacks composition" when pressed for an answer I'd say, and it seems the point of the game is lost on you. Clutter doesn't take away from the composition in any sense, but adds to a lived in and surreal quality to Yharnam. The fact that the clutter is often quite nonsensical objects makes that aesthetic hit home. Resident Evil 0 plays like dogshit and has no variation in its environments.

Careful OP. Souls fans are some of the most fragile and defensive group of gamers out there and will almost certainly interpret your post as a personal attack because you pointed out some flaws in their favorite game.

>Furthermore, you will not be able to explain why the game "lacks composition" when pressed for an answer
Composition refers to the consciously thoughtful arrangement of elements in a scene. Bloodborne has none of that, it is spaghetti thrown at a wall, seeing what sticks, and scraping up off the floor what doesn't and throwing that in too.
>Resident Evil 0 plays like dogshit and has no variation in its environments.
You probably never made it past the training facility, but it has at least 5 distinctive environments in an ~11 hour game, unlike bloodborne which is over double the length and consists of the same dark cityscapes and gothic architecture ad nauseam with most formulaic diversions being completely optional.
Also, how re0 plays had nothing to do with the topic, it's about sense of style. That said, re0 plays like butter; you can literally run circles around enemies in that game, you just need a 100 iq to understand tank controls.

>and will almost certainly interpret your post as a personal attack
I wonder why

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Then show me a concisely laid out screenshot that represents something lived in and surreal. You keep forgetting Bloodborne isn't supposed to represent reality. It literally is supposed to be off. You're in a dream version of a place.

I played RE0 enough. It lacks the environmental distinction, it really does. The 5 distinct environments are bog standard, and 3 of them are similar. The game is just worse. RE0 has less enemies, worse enemies, less areas, less distinct areas, less bosses, worse bosses, less combat options, worse options, and worse gameplay. The fact that you have to go to a game lauded for its atmosphere (but is ultimately worse in every other way), is quite telling. RE0 is quite dull, and this is something all RE games suffer from sadly. Even the most 4ish of the games are slower and duller than any Souls game.

Tank controls play like shit, they're imprecise, and they completely remove any sense of combat depth, and RE0 has zero combat depth. Old RE games have absolutely abysmal combat, and insulting people for pointing out their badness is some mega cope shit.

>deflecting to random zoomer criticisms of re0 because op said it looked better
You are just latching onto something to attack because you're mad at him for not liking bloodborne. The lab, factory, and treatment plant don't even share a colour scheme, unlike bb which is blue black and grey repeated ad naueseum.
>Even the most 4ish of the games are slower and duller than any Souls game.
Absolutely not lmao. 6 is much faster paced than any souls game after the shitty intro, especially souls proper (des-ds3.)

>Tank controls play like shit,
If you were born before the year 2006, I promise you'll get used to them after 5 minutes
>they're imprecise,
Not really, they're just not analogue
>and they completely remove any sense of combat depth,
Not necessarily. 4 has them as well and it has more combat depth than it would if it had the ability to strafe. Positioning and movement actually becomes a thoughtful exercise.
>and RE0 has zero combat depth
In terms of combat execution, yes, you're right, but combat is a means to an end in that game, and is intended to pressure your resource management. It takes very little skill, but it does require strategy.

Because most posters on Any Forums are shitty people always looking to make other people feel bad at all times for any possible reason.
So if you find out somebody can't have something, you act like it's the best thing in the world to try and make them feel bad.
>Oh you can't play bloodborne? Wow that sure sucks considering it's literally a 100/10 perfect game most amazing thing I've ever experienced in my life too bad YOU won't ever get to haha.

It's the story of the game. If the story is good, then everything else is forgivable.

He (you) are free not to like it, but he makes this thread constantly, and to what end? He won't convince anyone of anything. He says it's overrated, and his criticism is he doesn't like clutter... and... ? Sure. He then touts the merits of a worse game, and can't take it when it's criticized.
The RE0 color schemes don't matter. The general composition of the environments is samey, bland and dark, and not really worth discussing beyond that observation.
Resident Evil 6 is slower than Dark Souls 2 (the slowest Souls).

I played the RE1 demo on the UPSM demo disc. I'm older than you and played through all mainline RE until 7 when I dropped the series.
Tank controls are imprecise and cumbersome, especially in fixed camera environments. You are never going to find anyone that says the controls are tight. They're shitty even if you get used to them. You saying "Not really" doesn't make it so. 4 pushes the combat to its logical limit, and it's still more shallow even with the emphasis on QTE melee, which is pretty lame nowadays.
Combat lacks options, depth, difficulty, etc.

>the emperor has no clothes
I don't give a shit about fromsoft games but at least I have enough braincells to realize that people like different things.

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It's Dark Souls for girls

So you are literally just dumb. You have had all the time in the world to git gud, but you still find tank controls "cumbersome" (even though they were used with fca's in mind, such that you could hold the top button of the dpad down and move forward in the environment regardless of camera orientation).
Every enemy adheres to tank controls as well btw. Most people who grew up on these games to not have a problem; you were just spoiled by fortnite
>qte combat
It's just a stagger prompt, there is no failstate. That is like saying opening doors is a qte.

It's an exclusive game in a franchise that is otherwise inclusive.

RE games are literally all a cakewalk on any difficulty and I crushed every one I played. They're casual games beaten in a couple sittings on the inaugural run. Even Demon's Souls and Dark Souls shit on optional RE difficulties, so it's not a matter of being filtered. It's a matter of acknowledging that they're still bad and make the combat overall very poor. You started this thread with "Why is [game I don't like] overrated?" but you're unable to accept people not liking a control scheme? This is your problem. You lack self-awareness to accept people may enjoy things you don't while simultaneously expecting them to like the things you like and try to "argue" the issue like some ape.
I have never played Fortnite, I beat the RE games before you, I'm older than you, and it shows in your petulant attacks against my "gamer cred" like I should give a fuck. It's time to grow up and accept people like different things and you can't debate that.

BB must officially be the most whined about game of all time. Literally nothing comes close on Any Forums for pure salt. It's been 7 years of sulking from poor PC niggers

>RE games are literally all a cakewalk on any difficulty and I crushed every one I played.
This, but with fromshit. At least re has the decency to give you a hard mode. Soulsborne is turbo casual and love to pander to the ebin hardu geimu xD audience of normalfags who don't even know the names of any actually hard games. Re0 on hard, re7 on madhouse, re5 on pro, all of these provide more resistance than any fromshit since kings field ended.
>You lack self-awareness to accept people may enjoy things you don't while simultaneously expecting them to like the things you like and try to "argue" the issue like some ape.
Except it isn't about like or dislike, your statements about tank controls signifies you have below average intelligence and spacial awareness. You are also trying WAY too hard to come off as le veteran seasoned badass gamer for someone who struggles with tank controls.

>The general composition of the environments is samey, bland and dark, and not really worth discussing beyond that observation.
You're thinking of bloodborne