Horizon: Forbidden West

Why are autists seething about this picture? All I'm seeing are some people wearing green, leafy toga suits.

Attached: greenhorizon.jpg (1024x577, 83.38K)

Attached: laugh 20.png (1154x177, 45.35K)

because it looks fucking absurd

I see her nipple

Because it's yanderedev in an illfitting dress with fucked up arms
It's creepy

>Because it's yanderedev
What? Speak English.

because modern Any Forums will throw a shitfit over anything that isn't
1) sexy coomer girl
2) generic looking white manly man
if you dont follow these two rules, no matter what people freak the fuck out.

maybe spend 15 seconds googling it

Attached: eva.jpg (480x360, 16.18K)

Mocking is not seething

Bobby Kotick?


>unironically defending woke shit
Go back.

Forced outrage

Attached: CjZc6pWW0AE8Epv.jpg (709x474, 47.08K)

how is this woke shit its a hippie in a leaf outfit, you dont even know the context
games can even show fucking nature hippies now? is random leaf wearing video game npcs off limits now?

look at this dude
fucking bobby kotick in a dress over here

It's some dude in a leaf toga, how is it woke?

This everyone is saying, is trans or bullshit like that, this is just bunch of cultist in post apocalyptic world

This is cultural appropriation retard, it's dangerous as fuck to appropriate Hawaiian dress whilst having a fucking white dude wearing it
Stop defending cultural genocide

Isn't it meant to be?

because its not supposed to be a dude

People will seethe, just like how Any Forums wouldn't shut up that they made Gaia a black chick in the first one.

>defending trannies

>doesn't have an issue with white people wearing traditional dress of ethnic peoples

Where does the screenshot even come from? It isn't in the story trailer.

Video reviews are out. Aloy is awful btw this time

eh work on your false flagging prose, way too boring/obvious