Yugioh Master Duel

Lets have a normal OP for once?

What deck are you playing user?

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>What deck are you playing user?
Dragonmaids, working on a virtual world

PKFire, Crusadias and Witchcrafters. Thinking of dipping my toes in pendullums next

please tell me what to do with this deck
I can't make decisions for myself
I'm really stressed out and don't know what's correct

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Why is this on Any Forums and not on /vg/?

Nice pot of desires…

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I'm playing Heroes

Mains are Trains/Kaiju and Kozmo. pet deck is Gemini but they are sooo bad

Live Twins and Mekk Knights.

Have you tried using a larger dilator?

as said in the previous thread, a lot of people generally run kaiju's if they can search them easily.

Dinos have Dogaron
Thunder Dragons have Thunder King
Cyber dragons have Jizukiru

You can still run one copy of gamacele but the odds of you drawing it when you need it are 1/40 and the odds of drawing it when you don't are 100/40

take the thicc golden boy pill

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I got into gold using aromas

Got to gold with Skull Servant, switched to Ojama XYZ and dropped by to silver, clawed back to gold, then switched back to Skull Servant and hit Platinum effortlessly.
Super easy to get one turn kills with Skull Servant. Only deck I really struggle against is drytroon because of Herald of You Can't Do Anything

I find it funny how all these pet deck recomendation videos use "it does well against Eldlich" as one of their main selling points when every deck with a decent amount of banish/non destruction removal can stomp Eldlich.
Of course they never mention how their trash decks will nearly always get stomped by real tier 1 decks like Drytroon and Tri-brigade, which is most of what you see once you inevitably reach Plat.

Does there exist a deck that can consistently beat Drytron and Tri-brigade that isn't Drytron and Tri-brigade? If it's a pet deck video then obviously it's not going to be the top meta.

Don't reply to this guy, he posts that every thread, while disregarding any advice.

Witchcrafter and Aromage. Might try dogmatika next.

where are the platinum reparations

>don't run enough staples
>opponent makes unbreakable board while I can't do anything
>run too many staples

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>that winrate
do eldniggers really?

I know it's not smart but I want to build a deck around big dick boss monster.
Was leaning towards the wicked gods because I like their effects, they have synergy with some existing cards and they're cheap to get copies of. Any advice in general to craft my own little retarded pet deck?

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Ancient Gears. Summoning Chaos Giant against Eldlich and watching them immediately surrender was the highlight of my week.

Are live twins the ones that steal enemy monsters?

Been trying to make a Ghostrick mill deck mixed with either Vendread or Mayakashi. I don't know much about them but they look cool and seem decent enough.

Are there any easy ways to search out Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower?

i dropped out of play 5 and now im back in gold 1
odd eyes magican is the most fun deck, i can literally never brick and it all searches itself i love it

if you want to do a god pet deck please please do sacred beasts or at least do an egyptian god deck

I can't stand the idea of somone wasting CP on cards as terrible as the wicked gods.

HEROs and Invoked Shaddoll Dogmatika.
Wondering what to do now.
Either finish up my half finished HEROs, but then I'll have two fusion decks, so thinking about doing some Synchro or XYZ deck. Dunno what to do though.
RDA looks fun and I want to do that for Synchro, but not sure what to do for XYZ

god i hope soon
i need my fix konami

>1 nibiru
Learn 2 deckbuild

Cyberdragons, won't stop until I completely fuck up a Drytron deck

What do you considera "big dick boss monster"? Do you want something with absurdly high attack?
The decks that can actually win pretty consistently where you can pull out a monster with over 10,000 attack almost every game would be Skull Servant via King of the Skull Servants and also Cyber Dragon decks by getting Chimeratech Overdragon out with a massive number of fusion material


I got a kill on a drytoon a little while ago with cydras

Big numbers are a meme and prime bait for people to overplay to get one card on the field with barely any inbuilt protection.

>Been playing infernoids since master duel release
>watching the daily replay
>it’s infernoid vs some deck
>they use void imagination and swarm the board
>”okay now what, you can’t kill them with half damage…”
>uses snow to remove void imagination
Holy fuck how have I never thought to do that

>What deck are you playing user?
Zombie World
Live Twin
Tri Brigade Zoo
Cyber Dragon
Working in Thundra, also got Eldlich and Invoked Shaddol Ligma but didnt like them

Being able to make unlimited accounts mean you can make any deck in like two hours and i like way too many decks

Good shit user. I honestly feel like it has a good shot at it, I just need to polish my execution.

I made HEROs but I couldn't pull shit so I can't use anything else

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Earth Machines

Usually I summon infinity first for the negate, but yeah cydras really lack protection and could use some support in that department. I don't mind them being a glass cannon kind of archetype but they have so little recovery and protection. There is cyber eternity but I don't see myself every actually playing it since the goal is to summon rampage (and Sieger if no limiter removal/powerbond), blow through backrow and then attack multiple times for game.

If Master Duel does well enough do you think we'll get some animated stuff for the Solo Chapters?

post deck

I like pulling out some sort of thematic monster with a big effect that I feel has proper buildup. It's true that skull servant also fits the bill, I was just trying to think about the usage of mound of the bound creator to protect a ten star with some real crazy effects and stuff.

You know, capture that feeling of a 10 year old/anime episode would be centered around.

>I couldn't pull shit
You couldn't play anything else even if you did luck out on your pulls. Heroes is like 4x as expensive as basically any other deck. You could have 4 or 5 meta decks for the same price.