So longn gay bowser

So longn gay bowser

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>buy product
>insert paper clip
>go to jail
Land of the free

Can't he just opt for more jail to bypass the fine he'll never be able to repay?


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He can work his debt back by pleasing fat old men

>people love Nintendo games so much that they risk going to prison for trying to get them for free

>modify own console
>face up to 10 years in jail
and people still defend nintendo and console gaming lmfao

Not my problem.

Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time

He was selling pirated games. Modifying your own console is not a crime.

>paying for games

I would agree if not for the fact he was, for all intents and purposes, selling it. You can't do that shit and not expect the corp you're doing it to to not curbstomp you, in any civilized country.

Yeah I’m sure all he did was hack his own console.

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What’s next, going to jail for selling custom mufflers for cars?

If you commit wire fraud and money laundering to sell them, yes, definitely.

>being poor
Gaming is the cheapest hobby out there. Even a full priced game can give you over 100 hours of entertainment. Check out other hobbies like tabletop wargaming and you’ll see how time consuming and expensive it is just to get in. Most of the autists get more enjoyment out of building the settings and painting minis than playing the game itself.

>paying for games
It’s like paying for sex when rape is free

That’s not even comparable. You can buy and sell custom peripherals for consoles. This would be akin to selling stolen fuel or illegal car parts with laundered money. Yes car parts can be illegal, you can’t customize your car however you want, it has to comply with safety regulations.

>cheapest hobby
It's only cheap thanks to piracy lmao

Enjoy your overpriced DLC, having to upgrade hardware and paid online
I will keep having fun with my hacked switch and play games days before you do

wh-who is that nintendo hacker guys


>what’s next? Going to jail for processing red diesel and selling it?

Read the article.The guy was involved in money laundering and wire fraud. He didn’t go to jail for hacking his console.

Selling something that's illegal is automatically wire fraud

Unlike cuked vassal state Dominican Republic that extradited this guy, France wouldn't do it and China didn't even arrest their indicted man. It's good to know some countries still tell the US to fuck off with their "our laws apply globally" idea.

So you're proud third world countries can't even enforce their own laws. A weird cope

>overpriced DLC
Such as? I don’t buy overpriced DLC.
>upgrading hardware
Like what? Do you think I buy a new console or graphics card every month?
Yeah keep up your poorfag cope. If you pirate, you have no right to complain about the state of the industry.