Your childhood vidya crush

Since it's Valentine's day post your video game childhood crush.

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go back

trying too hard, user.

Why? At least OP was heterosexual as a kid.

I really really liked Liz from Custom Robo when I was younger, she was super cute

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you got good taste, custom robo was the shit.

Hell yeah my man
I've played it a buncha time but never 100%ed the postgame stuff, they got pretty damn hard and I got usually got stuck on the arcade challenges for combos and stuff. I'd say it's easily an all-time favourite for me, CRA at least, haven't put proper time into the other titles and I think only one is translated



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Etna and I've never even played her games. I just masturbated to her promotional art in vidya magazines.

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i never had a crush on anyone.

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Never had a crush as a child, but I did find love two years ago with a 2hu from the worst game.

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When does childhood stop, important question regarding who I can count as a childhood crush and who not

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25 when your brain finishes developing

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Cute Gasa!

Thank you very much

>he's never played battle revolution

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