I hurt myself today

I hurt myself today...

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Why did all AAA shooters from 2021 shit the bed so hard?

Microsoft should've scrapped 343.

niggers faggots and trannies

Because they're boring and made by people who don't play games.

probably millennials finally over the stale arena/CoDlike shooters, and the ones that strayed from the formula did so in ways that appealed to literally no one

You say it smugly, but games like Halo are unironically the last hope for AAA shooters to not ALL jump in the battle royale ballpit.

they are carefully constructed in a lab to be as surgically un-fun as possible

remember when games were fun? and not platforms for microtransactions?

>Like ten maps
>No Forge
>Theater is busted
>Custom games are busted
>Took two months to fix a broken playlist
>Store is overpriced
>Everybody looks the same because the cosmetics are so minimal


they've always been shit uninspired cash grabs, only zoomers play this garbage

infinite should have been shadow cancelled then revealed in like two years as a full game, forge and all

>Everybody looks the same

Shut up, faggot

i wish my favorite game had that many players sigh.

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back in the gfc era microsoft was killing studios left and right, killing ensemble is one thing but even fucking ace games (flight sim) wasnt immune (and FS is important).

now 343 can fuck up as much as they like but as long they spend half their budget on their girl club (yes it exists), they will live.

why would anyone buy halo on steam when its free on gamepass

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I fucked myself today...

Bonnie Ross gives crazy good head

Or NFTs for short

I hate NFTs so fucking much

This is not very nice sir

I stopped playing because I never got good at it


shit game

>trying to get good at a fundamentally broken game
lmao retard

Why do all the games with the best character creators suck to play?
In fact why do they have to always be MMOs, fuck sake....

How is the game fundamentally broken?

don't worry about it

why do you suck your own nuts sir?

Spawns are fucked and buggy
BTB Maps are unbalanced
And even without that the netcode is DOGSHIT. Xbox360 games had better hitreg for fucks sake