How come Drakengard is ok but this is not?

How come Drakengard is ok but this is not?
How come MGSV is ok but this is not?
How come the shittier modern Resident evil are ok but this is not?
This is THE TPS and THE zombie game.
The only other two zombie games that could compare are ZombiU and Zomboid.

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it's filled to the brim with lesbos and trannies

Because it's sjw trash

Reactionary trash, serf genes. Disgust me.

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You guys are a bigot sandwich.

Why can't you be normal? Why?
I'd have you and all the "sjws" you complain about, everyone like you, everyone who complains, executed, face the wall.
I'm tired of this caricature of conversation.
I knoe for a fact most defenders of the cultural war, are in fact, mexican teens shitposting, I spit on you.

good series, waifubait out the ass with actual good character designs
same as above
>resident evil
same as above
notice a pattern? people like series with attractive characters that are somewhat well designed, tlou has nothing going for it

Gameplay alone, TLOU2 is the best TPS right now, in due time it will be seen in the proper light.

The will of the people practically means the will of the most numerous or the most activepart of the people; the majority, or those who succeed in making themselves accepted as the majority; the people, consequently,may desire to oppress a part of their number; and precautions are as much needed against this as against any other abuse of power. The limitation, therefore, of the power of government over individuals loses none of its importance when the holders of power are regularly accountable to the community, that is, to the strongest party therein. This view of things, recommending itself equally to the intelligence of thinkers and to the inclination of those important classes in European society to whose real or supposed interests democracy is adverse, has had no difficulty in establishing itself; and in political speculations “the tyranny of the majority” is now generally included among the evils against which society requires to be on its guard.

>the best TPS right now
a genre which hasnt been relevant for years, what the fuck do you think this is? the mid 2000s when every game that came out was a cover based tps for the xbox? we got good games back when it was a thing like gears, mass effect, spec ops, uncharted, hell, even last of us 1 which came out in fucking 2013, we're talking about a game that came out 7 years after, when no one gave a shit about the genre anymore

Because it's a trashy Joss Whedon tier melodrama about teenage girls who go on murder rampages, interspersed with thinly veiled lectures about politics. Not only that, but it takes itself seriously and Druckmann genuinely seems to think it's some kind of breakthrough masterpiece. The game and the fandom are the cringiest shit I've seen in a decade.

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>How come [X] is ok but this is not?

I hear they killed off the main character in a contrived way then made you play as his murderer, that sounds like a "fuck you". If any of the games you listed has any of that let me know.

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drakengard and MGSV are not ok, not sure where you're getting this from

>How come Drakengard is ok but this is not?
While the gameplay ain't great in Drakengard the story get's really fucking crazy and has multiple scenes and endings full of crazy enough shit to force people into pushing through it. It's main message can be pretty much summed up as 'violence is bad and a lot of video game heros are basically psychopaths' but the way it's experienced overall makes it pretty close to ludo kino , it's cult of fans would still admit that the gameplay is pretty shit.

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Because those are good games

"Revenge bad" is a tale as old as time, but the last of us 2 fails to execute any of it's message without being disgustingly hamfisted and shallow.

Drakengard is not an agenda push
MGSV is not an agenda push
Resident Evil is not an agenda push
TLOU2 is nothing but one huge agenda push

Writing doesn't make sense. Ellie is still an edgy teenager with problems controlling her emotions or having a moral compass thanks to growing up in a lawless world. She lost the man who saved her life and sacrificed his for her and still has regrets about it. Would have made more sense for her to repeat Joel's mistakes of revenge and murder by killing Abby and then after her emotions wore off start to get depressed and empty in the ending.

mass effect
>THE zombie game
resident evil

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None of those games are revenge plots lol, did you even play any of those games you listed?

Whenever you have these questions, ask yourself, are PCTrannies seething? If the answer is yes, well, there you are.

Drakengard is awful but great instead of just awful

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I can believe TLOU has good gameplay, it just doesn't have a good story.

I'd still say the modern Resident Evil games do TPS action better than TLOU does, though.

Tlou1 was good. Tlou2 is even better but the story is too trash