Which Platform do the Most Attractive People Play On?

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attractive people don't play video games, silly goose

I am now on the level of blackpill where I no longer find conventionally attractive people attractive because they're usually vapid and spend all their free time working out, fucking boring


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Probably PlayStation. There's a lot more casual players and it's big in Europe.

Who is the cute asian girl? That tummy is ridiculous.

I play primarily on PC and my mother has always said that I'm handsome.

> hating people for working out

Fuck off, Roastie.

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I want to suck his tits

I see her.

This thread is dumb as fuck tho lmao, but as usual FPBP

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Would bet the majority of mobile gamers are over 40.

So are people that spend all their time playing video games any different? Anyone that spends all their mental energy perusing something for the sake of vanity or sloth(laziness) is bound to be vapid. But then there are those who focuses on one thing in order to master it and themselves (monks)


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>spend all their free time working out
Ask me how I know you're either a lanklet or a fat fuck.

Only trannies and fags play censored games. Nintendo is for children and man children. Ascend to the plane of superior gaming, buy a pc!

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That's not that bad compared to Nintendo players.

>female abs
gay as fuck, women should always have soft tummies

>That's not that bad compared to Nintendo players.

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this is the most depressing fpbp ever

Muscles aren't attractive
Intleect is

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Out of all the people in these pictures, maybe 2 of them completed a game.

achievable natty?

that bitch on the right looks like Markiplier


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Get a clue my little so(y)ny, you fags are even more pathetic than nintend-rones 110% without question

Lol no.

legitimate incel take lmao

the bitch with the cow tits literally sits in her room and collects trophies all day while she gets simps to give her money and allows her fans to commission art of her throating Crash. Yes, I am serious.

The level of Any Forums for OP's pic takes like a minimum of a dozen hours a week. I get like an hour here and there but sorry bro but that is way too much fucking effort purely for vanity

> The study was conducted by well-known gaming and sex authority MyVoucherCodes

based sonybros not giving a fuck about female pleasure

Right, but he wasn't talking about the people in the OP, not exclusively anyway, he was talking about "attractive" people. Which implies that he thinks mfers who are moderately in shape have to spend all of their time at the fucking shop. Which is hilarious.

Wow, people who are committed to improving themselves are so boring. I definitely prefer self-hating fat fucks.

>So are people that spend all their time playing video games any different?
Yes, they are engaging with something interesting instead of lifting thing up and putting thing down.

Lol cope.

Who is that guy?

>lifting thing up
a controller
>and putting thing down

>w-we don't do that on purpose
cope soi 3 incher

i play on pc.

Too busy getting fucked in the ass by sony and their tranny shit of course

>a controller
Which allow you to manipulate a virtual representation of literally fucking anything the mind can desire. Meanwhile at the gym you get to stare at the wall or watch oprah while you lift a heavy weight and put it back down repeatedly

>throating crash
I saw that before and had no clue why some rando chick was drawn with crash

Holy fuck you must be fat as fuck dude. Just one hour a day 5 days a week is enough to look fantastic. 70% of the results is how you eat.

OP obviously is not natty and regardless that body type is generally not considered attractive by most women or fags.

where's that "user overlap" thing that shows Playstation out of nowhere with a bunch of weird fucking fetishes?