What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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that hairline for starters


he crossed the line

Where did his hair go

He held back the level of video game discourse for at least a decade

is that cgi?

A buffalo took a diarrhea dump in his ear.


Attached: avgn guitar face.webm (1280x720, 1.78M)

Life imitates art...

Attached: Chud.png (645x767, 29.37K)

At least half of the games he gave poor reviews to were simply because he's not good at video games. Simon's Quest, Zelda 2 and more recently MM are good examples of this.

He got married and decided to invent a new genre of movie

he grew up. he's not edgy anymore. he tries to force it and it's just not good.

Really? What genre would that be?

Indie Filmmaking

Too much autistic wailing, not enough subtle anger.

At least Game Grumps is still good

having children

you are a brain damaged retard

forced anger with a shitty convoluted camera and lighting setup that leads to little or no dynamic scenes just static shots of the couch.

He has to please sponsors and can't afford demonetization. Also Board James was a much better show but he knows he can no longer do that after getting rid of Bootsy

>pinky finger behind the fretboard

What in the fuck?

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i like brown brick backdrop

Game Grumps hasn't been good since 6/25/2013

This faggot was never funny

>Game Grumps hasn't been good