Get in her if you preordered elden ring

get in her if you preordered elden ring
any info on the character creator? I know I'll find out day one but if it has any option beside male, or female, and isn't listed as sex, I'll refund it immediately

Attached: file.png (957x685, 594.94K)

>get in her
I don't like women user

its type A type B


I know the shitty bluepoint remaster was but so far from games have been safe right?

Yes you do

There is only male and female

>A man
Don't see the problem

I hope I get my copy a day early but I know I won’t.

>get in her
Know your audience user

The network test confirmed that Elden Ring will use Type A / Type B instead of genders.

thought the network test had preset characters/classes

it has. don’t listen to shazam posters

It had presets, but you chose between the male version (Type A) and the female version (Type B) of every preset.

sex and gender is not the same time

show me


No game would ever have any more options for sex other than male and female

Shitty b8, kys

You seem really dumb

where does time play into this?

tranny spotted

you'll get your preorder when you give me the damn recommended specs

Attached: rent.jpg (860x565, 99.73K)

if your pc is better than a ps4 it'll look and run as good as the ps4 version does at least

Haha imagine if it had a futa option and you could mod all characters to also be futa and also have sex scenes haha

Attached: 2 (3)-min.jpg (1280x1810, 184.91K)

sex is confirmed btw.
God futas are hot

I didn't pre-order it but the scene has never let me down and I expect getting it soon after release.

trannybros.. we won!
