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And it'll lose 90% of its playerbase in a month. Who fucking cares.

Literally can't play this in my country. Probably because of gambling regulations.

So I'm assuming it's massive pay2win shit and I wouldn't be interested anyway.

>Literally can't play this in my country. Probably because of gambling regulations.
Based country protecting its citizens from Korean trash.

I got bored after 15 minutes

This. It's another FOTM. Why was this "game" even hyped? It's obvious to everyone its just another shit Korean MMO.

newfag this game has been on Any Forums's radar for years

Sure it has.

look at the archives newfag

What record did it set? Because PUBG had over 3m concurrent players.

Attached: 1644801896593.jpg (2176x952, 292.69K)

>Coping woketard

Those numbers and those games make me feel ashamed at how far the industry has fell.

How many bots though

I like the Gunlancer class. I'm probably still dropping this in a week when I've finished effectively finished the game story and have no want or need to level an alternative character.
Neat free Diablo clone though.

I guess concurrent players for an MMO.

you dont need to level a second or third, you get a pass to get them to max decked out with gear. After 50s you just do dailies and raid

Doesn't this prove at how weak the PC gaming audience is? If you recorded the "peak" amount of players on consoles playing something like Fifa it would be in the 10's of millions. So pathetic.

my buddy couldnt make it through the opening cinematic

Does he have ADHD?

There aren't over a million of users connected to a single game on ps at any given time. Sony doesn't have great servers to handle that

>valheim up there with the heavy hitters
hell yea

nah, he could see gook influence and knew what awaited him


You are a fucking retard and have no idea how servers work. You honestly think that Sony are hosting the servers for a game that they have no connection with, or even Steam?

>Friends ask me if I'm gonna come play
>No I don't have time for an mmo
>B-but it's actually really chill! and Free to play!
>Ignore them

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How do I tell those kind of online friends that they have shit taste in games without telling them?

Lost ark have opening cinematics? I can't remember. Does it only play on your first char?

He could had searched it himself but remained silent like a little bitch that he is.
Are you braindead, mate? Do you believe that Sony would allow their Playstation Network data be handed over to other companies? Destiny was their highest rated concurrent userbase and it barely scratched the million threshold. Fifa is a multiplatform game and even those concurrent numbers are low, in other words sales =/= online users.

I would argue that it would go to FFXIV. I know most people don't play through steam, but the game is in Steam and it's definitely had more players in one go

Except PUBG's record is about 2.5x that.

>1.3 cuncurrent is a lot considered for steam
lol dead platform

you don't, stop being a sperg and let people enjoy shit without your input, use your time playing things you want to

History will repeat itself.



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>Lost Kernel

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>it's not pay2win its pay2progress faster
What's wrong with mmobrainlets?