Will their MMO be good? Also, what do you think about their games?

Will their MMO be good? Also, what do you think about their games?

Attached: riot.png (2000x1026, 77.13K)

Yes. They haven't missed yet.

>Every single game they produced drives Any Forums into an unimaginable rage and spawns several lesser copycats
Probably, yes. Never listen to Any Forumseddit.

>League saved Mobas
>Runeterra saved card games
>Valorant probably didn't save shooters cause that genre is pretty saturated but I hear it's pretty good
>Wild Rift is the ONLY (count them, one) good mobile game in existence
>A host of more completable single player games

Yeah, I think Riot's pretty chill

Attached: 1632964203421.png (885x667, 1.16M)

Is LoL good or should I go for Dota 2? I play Heroes of the Storm but I want something more complex and where my individual performance have a bigger impact.

nope. their mmo will appeal to chinese audience so expect a lot of boring grind and 3rd party gold selling. it will be doa

I didn't even know these games existed except for league

well my opinion is obviously biased because I play League over DotA personally, so that's obviously going to be my recommendation. But I think it's fun and has charming characters and a good community and is every bit as skillful as DotA despite what DotA players might have you believe.

yeah they've really been putting the S in Riot Games these past few years.

> I play Heroes of the Storm but I want something more complex and where my individual performance have a bigger impact.
Honestly, mid dota is probably the closest you will get to solo carrying any of these games. League is too scripted. You literally get banned because you want to play a certain hero in the wrong role, because the role that hero plays, and what it can and can't do, has been forced and reinforced and made law. Dota has never been that obvious. Honestly, I have about 3000 hours in the game, and the right move still isn't super easy to see. Do you stay in the lane, or cut your loses and roam. Where's this ward going? Do you want to be at this dicey team fight or save tower from creep push?


>LoL is shit (but that's just the nature of the genre)
>Valorant's pretty good, only steamies would seethe and disagree
>Don't care about the card games
>Not quite sure about how their FG will turn out, FGC "chads" can't stick with a game for more than 1 week

dota is a LOT harder and more complex than both league and hots- but it also has a lot more freedom to play well in a lot of different ways.
league you have to be VERY mechanically skilled, and it's the same game every time. it's always the same. dota switches it up a lot, there isn't a consistent "meta" (like bruiser top, AP mid, adc/support bot and jungle that league has)
I would try dota- but you might get tilted and quit. I certainly did

>Will their MMO be good?
No but I'll play it anyways.
>what do you think about their games?
I fucking despise both Valorant and LoL because both CS and ASSFAGGOTS are some of the least fun games in the world for me. I play Legends of Runeterra even though I don't like multiplayer card games either because I really, really want the characters I like from League of Legends to be in a game I actually enjoy.

Attached: pain.jpg (152x123, 10.63K)

>I really, really want the characters I like from League of Legends to be in a game I actually enjoy
Which characters?

soulless unoriginal shit: the company

their all games besides lol "failed", riot is horrible company but i learned to appreciate them after playing blizzard or multiplayer games from any other AAA game developer.

like 90% of league players are typical nerds from reddit i hope they all get cancer

Off the top of my head, Zac, Teemo, Fizz, Tahm, and Jhin.

I'm sorry you are bored user, here, have a (you)

Riot? You mean Tencent?

they have pretty high quality standard despite all the shitposting here. It has potential to be great but we have to wait and see. Meanwhile look forward to that minecraft clone

aren't Valorant and Legends of Runaterra very popular? Not peak WoW or LoL numbers; but both having at least a couple 100k players per day.