Does Any Forums play Apex?

Does Any Forums play Apex?

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>What kind of character should we add?
>An ugly dyke, gamers love ugly dykes.

not with character designs like this

Yes, but only for Wattson.

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fun game, and the new control mode is pretty good, probably added due to EA flopping completly with grannyfield

during the first 30 days of launch yeah. quit when the battle pass released

Aside the tokenism, it’s an ok battle Royale

She's straight though....

Valkyrie is by far the worst character Apex created

fun game. but very pozzed

>low tick
>completely broken sound
>controller aimbot
>lagcomp settings means everyone can play on NA with no downsides. Laggy players are rewarded for lagging.

i like her abilities and she is fun to play but her voice lines make my ears bleed. i wish i could turn off voice lines other than the ones that give you info

Eh at least she's fun to play though
I'd say Seer because they nerfed the shit outta him and then have totally forgot about him as a character

Sort off. I am a console pleb and the new season patch broke every previous gen system. Game runs at 15 fps the moment you shoot. 4 days later and still waiting for a patch.

get a series s or something if you're poor

That’s why I said ok not great or good
Lag and ping kills it
>about to shoot
Happens way to much

I meant lore wise

I was unironically considering that.

Titanfall died for this zoomer abomination game

>caring about tranny lore

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it was never good you braindead autist

Not anymore lol

doesn't look like it

Titanfall was always Call of Duty with robots, zoomie.

free to play game infested with [MEX] TTV_Hombre types.

In my experience Russians are worse. Hispanics always have open mics with their families screaming in the background but russians on top of being retarded are also shameless hackers.

Yeah I was just playing a few minutes ago. Control is really fun I hope they make it a permanent mode. Way better than the arena garbage.
Fun character but a bit overtuned.