Saddest moment in the game

saddest moment in the game

Attached: toadettettyd.jpg (892x575, 154.28K)

>survived rpg purgatory
Toadette is lucky

thats not mario that's muigi

why is Luigi shorter and fatter

Mawio mawio en luwigi mawio

It's great how TTYD was updated to add the things that had debuted back then in the Mario universe: Piantas, Shines, Toadette.

To then say: no, no, we won't do that anymore.

Bros why does this toad have a unique character model? and why isn't she making a pun about paper? Mario is PAPER guys don't you get it?

Back before the Mario mandate, when games had soul. Mario spin-offs have fallen so far since then

Toadette was lucky to be introduced in Mario Kart. I wish we could see people like Taodsworth, it's not like he was really popular however he helped flesh out the world.

Toadette was in Mario Kart before PM though.

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When I was a kid I was counting the days for the next Mario RPG to include elements from Galaxy, (super Paper Mario was too far removed from the Mario universe for me). Now the latest Mario RPGs are so planted in the safe familiar world and settings that we don't even see stuff from Mario Sunshine anymore.

My interest in the Mario universe has dwindled dramatically sense then. Now I have a fucking family to deal with!

Attached: 05720b1abadf8da98bc4b9b3f30d2017.png (1215x966, 1.3M)

That's his brother, Ξ£ario

Attached: Eario.jpg (680x389, 102K)

I will never forgive Nintendo for adding the Mario Mandate.

i feel you

In that game Mario can buy costumes that look like Luigi, Wario and Waluigi and wear them.

recently was playing a randomzier and they cut out all the toadette scenes and it made me so sad

>super Paper Mario was too far removed from the Mario universe
I still believe that Super Paper Mario is the reason why now Paper Mario is so empty.
Surely Miyamoto only told Intelligent Systems to use more Mario characters next time and Tanabe for some reason thought he wanted Toads.

Regardless of who's at fault for the decisions that lead to the nuMario RPG games. Nintendo should plainly see how much fans want the return to the old ways of making the games.
They have listened to the feedback from Other M/ Fed Force and gave Metroid fans Dread, they are allowing Mario to move past the sterilized, cookie cutter presentation with stuff like Odysee and the new Strikers, why not give use a new Mario RPG that also gives what the fans want?

gtfo Matthew Taranto

Sorry to break it to you but Toadsworth is dead and has been written out of the series.