Hero manages to destroy the villain

>Hero manages to destroy the villain
>Still gets captured in the end
Games with bittersweet endings?

Attached: 2541958.jpg (1280x720, 100.72K)

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What did Justin Wong do now?


>When your cartoons don't cater to your mental illness so you just burn the fucker down, killing multiple people and destroying the original cells and frames from some of those cartoons you so cared for
Can't tell if based or just a psychotic tantrum.

hiro moot?


is this the guy who lit up kyoani because they allegedly plagiarized his work?

schizo burns down anime studio for "stealing" his unpublished idea

gtfo newfag

we got another kyoani im guessing gotta hand it to japs there dedicated

He burned it because he hated those cartoons though

>phone poster

to be fair, they deserved it for the horrifyingly boring abomination that is clannad

How has nothing like this not happened to Isayama yet? Seems like some nutjob would have done it.

>breaking news nerdlord burns down all the animes

whats with asians and fire

Hope that teaches them to not steal ideas

Kyoto Animation is a Japanese animation studio responsible for popularizing moeshit (they're the studio that made K-ON!) and were a moeshit factory.
The guy in red is an insane man who started a fire on the building as revenge for the studio stealing one of his LN ideas for one of their LNs and its animated show.
The fire pretty much destroyed the studio and killed most of its animators.

>Oh no,a stereotypical scene is similar to a stereotypical scene I added to my shitty novel years ago (maybe,who remember that!),let's burn them down!
If anything,I hope they learn about the basically of building safety,no way so many people should die in an arson in 2019 +x


Actually based

holy based

Most based man in Japans history

user... this happened only 2 years ago

based beyond belief

Why is he traced with chalk in the floor?
Did they killed him?

it was a false flag attack they put it there beforehand so he knew to lie down there

>Stealing one of his LN ideas for one of their LNs and its animated show
What idea? If it is any kind of isekai, I will fucking laugh

Attached: 1642525650078.png (629x581, 27K)

His leg looks kinda fucked, did he burn himself as well?

Nah, it was an idea for an all-male archery club.

For the investigation
He's alive but got badly burned. He got a very expensive skin transplant treatment (paid by Japanese taxes).