Cannot be parried

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>50 bleed buildup at base
Hot fucking diggity

You'd think with physics that a flail would be more susceptible to a parry, considering the wielder would have a much harder time controlling the force of the massive iron ball getting deflected backwards.

Yeah, that settles it, I'm going with a quality build after all.

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>massive iron ball getting deflected backwards.
you try deflecting a massive iron ball lol

>Name: Kurishitan
>Origin: land of reeds
>Gender: Female
>main weapon: Flail
>Body type: Fat
See you in the lands between.

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Ball and chain flails most likely began as fictional weapons created by artists that were then replicated by a few weapon smiths throughout history but were only used a few times in real combat. Two handed flails meanwhile were used for a few hundred years. They began as farming implements, got used by peasants as weapons, then became military hardware. These flails consist of long poles attached to shorter poles by much shorter chains if not short leather straps.

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>Body type: Fat
Putting the "bara" in Shimabara, I see.

It's kind of funny that most armour-defeating weapons of the middle ages were developed by peasant levies just trying to not get cheesed by godmode knights in full plate.

Sevarog? gone too soon...

human weapon history: take a long stick, put something at the end of it, literally anything will do

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>Cannot be parried
Pretty lame. I'd love to see parrying only apply to certain classes of weapon.

What I mean by that, is I understand making it so a flail can't be parried by a sword as it would just tangle itself up.
However I think it'd be kino as fuck if you could parry a flail with ONLY hammer type weapons and knock the fucking thing away like a baseball.

im always disappointed with games like this because i miss out on them when they're released and before i know it, they've added a thousand miles of bullshit.

Release For Honor was a fucking dumpster fire and it's unironically in the best state it's ever been now.

Aside from RPGs, has there ever been a different game genre that gave flails a bonus like, say, chance to bypass enemy shield? Or would that be too OP for a game like Elden Ring even though most of the enemies will probably be giant monsters that don't have shields

captcha: NGGA

I can hear power metal coming from this image

I know it'd be complete bullshit in context of a video game as it'd be completely anti-fun, but I would love more gams to use flails and allow shit like "remove equipment" by hitting your shield so hard that I yank it out of your fucking hands.

>power metal
>not gothic symphonic atmospheric industrial nu-metal

this but the opposite

The Surge had something like that. If you want an enemy's sword, you gotta disarm him by chopping off his arm. If you want his shoulder armor, you lop off his shoulder

man, that nazgul design is timeless

In Dark Souls 2, reapers ignored shields entirely when they struck in their sweetspot and several weapons had shield-piercing heavy attacks.
In 3, two daggers had shield-piercing R1s, several different weapons had shield-piercing R2s and there were a few shield piercing WAs.

Elden Ring's CNT had a straight up unblockable WA. It's not outside the realm of possibility but it's far more likely that they'll give flails some other interesting gimmick

Another threshing tool turned into a weapon: Nunchaku