Do Nintendo fans make Nintendo games worse with their brand loyalty...

Do Nintendo fans make Nintendo games worse with their brand loyalty, regardless of how underpowered their consoles are and how shit their games look?

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nintendo games are good though.

I simply like playing fun games

>Good games
wow tendies are really retarded If they think this is what their glorified ipad is actually for.

If you're over 20 years of age and still find Nintendo games enjoyable you have a mental illness or simply an am*rican. And it severely progresses the older you get.

are you implying sony/microsoft games are more fun? because thats quite the bold statement.

>underpowered their consoles are

That's why you have a PC for good graphics and a Nintendo console for fun games.

Games are not supposed to be fun, they have evolved way past that and the stupid children at Nintendo believe that their bing bing wahoo is so great while it's just garbage compared to modern industry games that take themselves seriously and should be judged as what they really are, art!
>fun games
Fuck you retard.

Rent free. Seek help

>Games are not supposed to be fun
What are they suppose to be then?

Experiences that make you feel something and talk about something that'll make and impact on you, a good game is that one who changes who you are by simply playing it, you ain't gonna feel shit after playing 36 hours of pew pew simulator or jiggle jiggle xenotit land 2

Are some fucking 15 years old emo kid who gets influenced by tv?
You're like those reddit numales that watches game of thrones and believes to be a warrior.

Imagine being over thirteen and owning a shitch lmaooo

>Are some fucking 15 years old emo kid
Yeah i bet you would like that, huh? You fuckin pedo.
>game of thrones and believes to be a warrior.
Wtf is game of thrones? i ain't into your shitty D&D community, you fuckin faggot.

>black man pretending to read
lol lmao

Nintendo Derangement Syndrome

>games aren't supposed to be fun
OP is mentally ill

You'll understand the appeal of it once you get out of puberty in a few years
For now you should not come back to Any Forums, this website is 18+

I'm 18+ you are not, you literally admitted to have a switch, no sane grown man would do something like that, kek kill yourself kiddo.

Once again a friendly reminder that children aren't allowed to post on Any Forums. Please lurk moar for a couple of years until you become 18 and then you can join us in videogame discussions

>Experiences that make you feel something and talk about something that'll make and impact on you, a good game is that one who changes who you are by simply playing it

Imagine unironically believing this about fucking video games of all things. Video games are stupid fun shit for children and should be treated as the unserious things that they are.

Nintendo as a company trained their cult members to gradually lower their standards.
Happens in any cult