Haha le burning heretics XD

>haha le burning heretics XD

Why are not!christians in vidya always depicted like this?

Attached: inquisitor27.jpg (3840x2160, 433.78K)

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Because that's what religion used to be everywhere. Hell, some religions still do it to this day, but you're not allowed to criticize it.

>we are in charge in what is and what isn't "heresy" and "blasphemy"
>you will be executed if you violate it

Literal wrongthink laws.

But she cute so it ok

now post her chest

How hot would the sex be?

Attached: No-one-expects-the-Inquisitor-the-next-warrior-joining-the-DNF-Duel.jpeg.jpg (1237x634, 68.92K)

Japan is not the most creative or knowledgeable country when it comes to foreign cultures
They're also prone to just repeating cliches forever.
Not even the height of the inquisition and fanaticism was like that, a handful of people were killed in the most extreme circumstances but nearly everyone was simply spoken to and brought back into the fold.
It's just a one note stereotype devoted fanatic not!christian woman that japs recycle all the time so their jap self insert can smugly tear them down like some fucked up version of Demolition Man

She seem like the kind who have sex for sole purpose of procreation

I think we should go back to burning witches.

She pulls a rope around your neck while riding you, all while reading Maxims to you in a very angry tone

>Why is a character literally named Inquisitor wants to burn and kill heretics
Geez I don’t know. That’s a hard think there chief.

Are you really trying to downplay the holy crusades into a bunch of Mormons knocking at doors

because it's tranime

Anybody know any good Christian games?

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DNF Duel

Yeah she should be a pedophile priest or something instead for accuracy, maybe a gay tiktok minister

>th-that wasn't TRUE Christianity

Attached: 1538866119574.png (562x404, 81.76K)

Are you really trying to up-play the holy crusades into anything other than a series of retaliatory wars started by Muslims who killed Christian pilgrims in spite of - and in direct violation of all existing and unspoken agreements?

More importantly is her wheel going go be nerfed before launch and who will be the remaining characters?

Useless to fight it.

Attached: 1627194860343.png (3000x3294, 2.14M)

They fucked up by not giving her blonde hair and blue eyes.