Fuck Elden Ring. I'm fucking hyped to fucking play as the notRussians in TWW3

Fuck Elden Ring. I'm fucking hyped to fucking play as the notRussians in TWW3

Attached: 1613909274468.webm (720x904, 2.93M)

Then don't play it. No one is twisting your arm.

>missing out on twitch FOMO

so cute

snek got da chubby cheeks :3

I'm just going to play both.


Men shouldn't say "cute" or use cutesy talk. You're giving off serious incel vibes.

This. They are also only 1 week apart when released. Blessed week for neets

stfu quentin

lol dat meat tube thirsty tho

I'm sawwy ;.; I'll be more manwy next time >:3

I haven't had a snak since I was a kid. Is it weird to keep snakes as an adult?

>get to play Warhammer next weekend and Elden Ring the following
It's looking like a great February guys. Great way to wash the taste of shit that was videogames in 2021 from my mouth.

Why would it be weird?

You know what? After another lore video-chat with Andy Hall, I can actually sleep well over the future of Warhammer 3.
>The monogod factions were always be intended as daemons with some mortals because if they added all the other mortal unit variants they wouldn't be Chaos Daemons but like recolored WoC with daemons
So hopes for monogod mortals for WoC, Beastmen and Norsca are possible.
>Frostfiends, Katarin's Sled, Ungols, Hags and most Kislev stuff confirmed
Yes. Sadly the Ancient Widow is temporarily canned in favor of the Motherland concept, but she will re-appear as something independent.

Also I genuinely think that we are going to get Ind, Nippon and Khuresh due to the fact that not being YET in the long-plan doesn't mean they won't appear. Game 3 is co-developed with both CA and GW, so everything will change. Won't say a thing on Chaos Dwarfs because we all know they are going to appear early in the game's life-cycle.

Attached: Khornate Chaos Warrior.jpg (1200x775, 556.72K)

I just wish that Mortal Empires was in at launch.

is it chewing water?

kawaii snek

why you so obsessed lmao
kinda sad really

No, the only pets I'd consider weird owning as an adult are bugs or rodents, unless you have kids.

having pets is homosexual behavior
women desire men that murder neighborhood animals

Fat cheeks


Attached: 1622124038992.webm (448x800, 2.68M)

Women aren't human

A fishing spot not too far from my home has a shitload of huge water snakes in it. They freak people out because for some reason they like to sneak up on people and wrap their legs before they sunbathe

Is that a baby hydra?

*schlick* *schlick* *schlick* *schlick* *schlick* *schlick* *schlick* *schlick* *schlick* *schlick* *schlick* *schlick* *schlick* *schlick* *schlick* *schlick* *schlick* *schlick* *schlick*

t. thinks ass ladders are the pinnacle of game design

Snel looks weird, Albino hognose?