Mixed reviews

>Mixed reviews
It was fun to meme about how Halo Infinite was shit and is dying.
But holy shit, it's actually dead.

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That’s because it fucking sucks

>muh core-gameplay
Fuck all these retarded shit lickers, they got the core gameplay down over a decade ago, woohoo they didn’t manage to fuck it up. The story, level design, custom games, and matchmaking were all great over a decade ago too, shame 343 dropped the ball on literally all of that

Not even a month later people give a shit about it buddy.
Infinite released with less features than CE or halo 2. That’s a major accomplishment in being a fuckup
>no co-op
>no mission replay
>no firefight
>no working theater
>no forge
>no customs game browser when halo 5 got one and mcc finally got one after 8 years
>no server selection like mcc or any modern game at all
>cheaters are near halo 2 levels of unbanned lol
>always online when mcc can be played offline with its firefight or campaign/forge
>no working file share
>nothing beyond slayer and ctf/oddball in custom games unless you gltich out and play beta modes of upcoming modes
At the end of the day you have a core system of gameplay that is leagues better than Halo4/5 but everything around is heavy shit. No wonder it died, it’s a half baked piece of shit

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Anyone who trusted the hacks at 343 to deliver anything good deserves to be mocked.

shit weapons
shit netcode
shit tank controls (for no reason at all)
paywalled cosmetics
shit modes
shit levels
no forge
shit campaign

343 ruined it and now they are in damage control, desperation PR mode trying to save the sinking playerbase. Its fucking dead.



I liked it initially out of misplaced hope that they'd improve on the aspects I didn't like but they haven't done shit.

>no don’t geofilter haha just enjoy our shitty system that didn’t prioritize low pings in the first place. We totally fixed it now

I still can't believe they got a whole extra year to work on the game and it's still missing 90% of the content that even Reach launched with.

I’m not. Being surprised that 343 can find a way to fuck things up is a sure sign of some newfag who thinks them trying to restore mcc after 5 years of silence is a sign of good will

I'm more upset how dreadfully average the campaign was. Turned it off when it turned into a generic Ubishit game.

I couldn't even be bothered finishing the battle pass before I got bored.

pretty much all of this, the game was lackluster on all parts and they fucked up single player so bad that they had to pull co-op last minute because it didnt work with open world.

Sure i appreciate the indepth dive on why the networking shit is fucked but also like why did it take an open beta and 3-4 months of playtime to figure out what was going on. so not only did you launch with fucking nothing and spend 3 months fixing issues of the shit you launched with instead of fucking working on anything new.

I hope marty and co sue them so bad that they just fucking put the franchise on ice for a while.

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This picture is perfect btw.

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>We go from 80s military sci-fi to soap opera shit

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It just wasn't that good if we are honest.

You know what i always found funny? Xbox's best selling games, Gears and Halo, have always been seen as white dude bro shit, yet they have some of the most diverese character cast of the 2000s

The disabling of the geofilter with no replacement was the final straw for a lot of people, especially as they continue to blame players for their shit code.

no one gives a shit about campaign, but 343 thinks its a main focus. Multiplayer is in absolute fucking shambles right now
>no lobbies
>can't pick your game modes or you wait in queue for 60 minutes
>big team battle still buggy and doesn't work everytime
>focus on 4v4 faggot shit in a halo game because 343 thinks their game will ever be a competitive esports game
>half the weapons worthless
>changes to the weapons and new additions are shit and imbalnaced as fuck
>take emp away from plasma pistol but give it to a sniper rifle and make emp grenades
>the fucking helicopter existing at all and straight up determining the match if you have a half competent pilot
>vehicle powerup spawns inconsistant and spawning on one side of the map all game
>maps are all shit and super fucking small
>no blood gulch
>no classic maps at all
>only 3 big team battle maps
>dog shit hitboxes
>battle rifle still existing in multiplayer when they added another new assault rifle
>covenant weapons are all worthless except the needler and maybe the brute pistol if you practice enough with it to do the same thing a human pistol will do.
>lobby system not working half the time and splitting players up

That's the point of jewish subversion with race/identity politics, they want stupid people to trust the expert's narrative that they were never ever represented and now they have to be forced into your face as a American mutt to be represented.

>>big team battle still buggy and doesn't work everytime
It's okay guys, 343 checked and they say there's no problem

>most diverse character cast
the entirety of earth in halo 1-3 is white australian and mexican hispanic. it is the least diverse set of games in scifi

It's fucking unreal how little content there is in the game, and how religiously the fanboys defend it, FFS you can't even select what mission you want to play

>getting shot around corners is literally a FEATURE

If only it were just them. A portion of the "zealots" are people who came in just because it's new or adding some different things, so either seriously or just for the fun of causing chaos they defend stupid things, just like what happened with 5 bringing in those stupid new mechanics. If only it were just fanboys. If only.

>having development issues and have plans for campaign DLC
>don't just save bigger environments for the DLC
Imagine all the maps they could've had if campaign wasn't focused on being more open. Such an obvious mistake that should've been avoided. Not that it fixes the other issues.

>Servers desync
>BTB borked for three months
>KBM gimped
No shit it's dying. 343 won't fix shit for the PC players.