Full dive

Will full dive VR ever actually happen? feel, taste, touch, essentially BE in another world.
Personally, I believe it is possible. But the problem will be overcoming potential risk to mental stability. I believe that will be the biggest challenge, bigger than actually getting it to work. You have to consider just what people would be going through in this kind of simulation. We don't really think about it when we play games, but these are often times nightmare situations. Stinking rotten undead corpses attacking you, watching people be devoured or cut open, hearing the screams of the dying, smelling the gore. Actually committing the act of what will feel like killing someone. I believe it will absolutely lead to psychosis and personality disorders if they can't find a way to prevent it.

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It will get prohibited unless it serves the government

Just take acid and play a video game.

That will obviously be the first uses of it, military training regimes.
Full live fire combat, with your friends dying in agony beside you, just like in real war. Completely preparing a soldier to face the absolute worst they will in the field.

If they can't find a way to tell the brain "this is not real", there's no way they can let that be given to the general public, imo. It will work with soldiers, that's what they're there for, to learn to be killers and handle that shit. But the average person will suffer dearly under that stress.

>Giving commercial advertisements full and direct access to your brain
Great way to become an unironic literal consumer zombie.

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I mean when it is out, unless they can fully control it, they won’t allow it, the first thing people will do when it is out to the public is torture others.

It's a risk, definitely. I don't believe I would get the tech needed for it. Too much of a gamble.
As much as I would love to taste a fat elf or twi'lek's butthole, I'm not gonna risk my brain.

I could see it getting pushed out on trial and fucking a lot of people up before they recall it.

If you make it so I can pump Sakuras and Karins assholes full of so much cum it starts flowing out of their mouths I will buy your shitty fucking raycons and install raid shadow legends

Not in your lifetime, if ever. Not vudeo games. Learn to lucid dream.

Elon musk already funded a project that is something like what OP says, they placed 4 or 5 small chips to the person's temple and other sides of the head and it would allow the person to control an avatar (a robot to be exactly) and the person would feel and hear what the robot goes through (like stumbling on things and hearing birds outside the room) not sure about smelling things like OP suggests, but that kind of tech is not far away, not if someone funds that kind of project, i believe we are 20 years from it, less if big companies like microsoft fund it.

I imagine it'd take processing power on a whole other level from anything we have.
As for lucid dreaming, I don't think people should be so quick to try things like this. Risky to play with your brain like that.


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If it does ever go commercial, it will more than likely be super heavily regulated games (as in only very specific people choose what gets published on the hardware) with a shit load of soft locks for third party games. Shit like minecraft will be the go to and at most, AT MOST, maybe light tactical games like counter strike or rainbow six.

>just waste a probable once in a lifetime experience on a videogame
No, meditate, drugs are a conduit to the spiritual realm, unless you can meditate while playing Videogames, don’t waste that chance on them.

>once in a lifetime

Yes, sometimes while “tripping”, you might end up scratching an epiphany, but unless you are paying attention you won’t be able to fully grasp it.

Stop calling it "full dive", you sound like a philistine.
It's BCI.

Dumb wastoid.

>mass suicide of people not wanting to leave their vr world
I'd get full dive vr only to fugg fluffy wamen. I can see it being really addicting.

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>all furshits would die for good
I don’t see anything wrong with this

I personally would go for the elves and some of the star wars races.
I want to have some idea of what they smell and taste like.

It would be hard to want to leave. I wonder if they'd ever offer brain-care centers once it becomes widespread? Sell your body to them, and they put your brain in a permanent jar, always hooked up to the machine, living in the simulations forever.