Game features religion

>game features religion
>prayers and holy spells actually have direct physical effects
>both angelic and demonic beings are known to exist
>somehow there are still non-believers

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You have to consider the rarity of the people who can cast holy spells in the setting, how often the average man sees magic, let alone holy magic, angels and demons.


qa lost kys

Why should I assume that someone's explanation for the angels and demons I see is 100% truthful? How do I know their blessings don't actually work in some other way which they are disguising with smoke and mirrors?

So just like real life?

>>both angelic and demonic beings are known to exist

Yeah, who doesn't know about holy spells?

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Maybe it's like the Tau in 40k, they just think that all the demon and magic shit, is just advanced tech and weird aliens

I came to these conclusions about god before people posted about it I must be him

the elite do them all the time with their blood orgies and spiritual meals which is why they are almost unstoppable and look inhuman (because they are not human clearly)

you are a brain damaged retard

Just like real life

>originally written to cope with and relate to a seemingly uncaring and unknowable universe
>gradually gets weaponised into a tool of fear-mongering and genocide
Religion is truly the worst drug

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>game features religion
>prayers and holy spells actually have direct physical effects
>both angelic and demonic beings are known to exist

>there are non-believers who think that God, angels and demons are only beings just like humans but on a higher level, like aliens, while spells are only advanced technology, and there is no actual God or spirituality in the classical sense

>they turn out to be right

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People in real life deny vaccines even after we defeated smallpox.

In a pre-modern context, people attribute much more to divinity than we do. A storm is the storm god's wrath, not a scientific phenomenon with a defined origin.

Pagan gods relate to things like the weather and the sea, as much as they do to things we would call unknowable like death, because the goal isn't to discover an underlying moral order to the universe but rather to please spirits that control forces beyond human control. There's a reason a lot of the Christian uptake from paganism is pagan philosophy rather than pagan cult: you can't propitiate God like you can Jupiter, not really.

Maintaining internal social order and oppressing/killing the enemy is basically the function of any state, and the need for a spiritual connection is innate to humans. It's not surprising that the two become linked, especially when maintaining divine favor is seen as necessary for society's continued existence.

I mean, if god or his miracles actually existed that's exactly what they would be, an extremely powerful bending reality through unfathomably complex means.
Denying logic and rules of physics with magic just creates new logic and rules.

I smell your virginity from over here athecuck

>need for a spiritual connection is innate to humans
rubbish, complete bogus aka source: my ass

>somehow there are still non-believers
Or maybe it's the difference between worshipping them as gods vs. just recognizing them as powerful magical entities. I know stupid burgermutts don't understand the difference but they can't be helped.

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