Randomly announces ports of Portal games to the Switch

>randomly announces ports of Portal games to the Switch
>just weeks before the launch of Steam Deck
What the fuck did they mean by this?

Attached: 1000px-Valve_logo.svg.png (1000x279, 6.79K)

>more profit i guess
but i want new games ffs

>Here's Portal series, look how fun it is
>Also here's Portal 3, exclusively on Steam.
>Oh you want to play it on a portable device? Well, you can play it on this brand new Steam Deck :)

Attached: gabe.png (196x190, 33.97K)

You forgot the gigachad image

Portal is Valve's most accessible and marketable franchise. They're gonna want to draw people in.

Gaben is fat gigachad brony, genius

probably readying up for their new game
which will have steam deck in mind
guessing an announcement around summer

benchmark between the ancient tegra on the switch and new shiny rdna2 on the sneed deck so that normies can see how hard it blows the switch the fuck out

it's a tribute to the hanheld king

>inb4 artifact

Playing fps with thumbsticks is fucking awful

>valve fuck no one by not proting artifact to the switch

>Artifact 2 exclusively on Switch
I wonder how that schizo feels if that is the case

Attached: 1393697328761.gif (400x225, 1.56M)

goddamn it you're gonna bring him here


>Portal 2
Hold my beer

Attached: portal-reloaded-2.jpg (450x237, 16.97K)

Valve will announce their purchase of Nintendo, and their first order of business will be renaming the Switch to the Steam Deck Lite.

Well they gave portal away for free for like forever, pretty much everyone with a steam account already owns it.
Tendies however are dumb enough to pay for it, or so they figure anyway.

they probably got it working on the deck and and thought "hey this'd work nicely on the switch" and decided to port it to the switch

Valve said repeatedly the Steam Deck and Switch aren't in competition with each other.

It's as if the steam deck and switch are for different markets or something. The steam deck is competing with gaming laptops.
