LoL is more popular than Dota 2 mostly because it has better performance on weaker computer hardware

LoL is more popular than Dota 2 mostly because it has better performance on weaker computer hardware.
There, I said it.

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What other forms of wisdom do you have for us OP? It's more popular because it's... marketed?

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Yes plus marketing, especially in Asia. Koreans love LoL but have never heard of dota

it's also more fun

dota 2 is incredibly obtuse to get into, even for a moba

League is so much more fun it's barely even comparable. Roaming support is fun in dota though.

>better performance
Dota 2 runs on fucking trash cans with a gpu slapped on
I play LoL if you think this games launcher is fucking "better performance" your the reason we are stuck with this dogshit

dota 1 was somewhat popular in Korea, but after league release riot bribed internet cafes to not install dota 2 on their PCs

>3k hours in dota
>1k hours in league
I regret every second

lol is easier to pick up and doesn't force you to play hour long games

It's more popular because it has a lower barrier to entry and more marketing

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LoL has better fappable material, that's about it

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If I get bored of dota I can always play one of the 30-40 mods that still have activity

Dota turbo is basically league

the thing about league is that it's so much more easier on the eyes than dota
your average Joe who's never played a MOBA in his life can still make out what's happening on the screen when watching someone play league
not so much with dota

Lol is more popular than Dota because it’s a better game. Gonna be controversial.

>our average Joe who's never played a MOBA in his life can still make out what's happening on the screen when watching someone play league
maybe you would be correct 5-7 years ago

even if that was true it's valves fault anyway

Valve was the worst company to give Dota to in hindsight.

I only play the real DotA

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>that qop ass

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I hate Mobas, but how do we actually know which is more popular. I don't think league publishes concurrent player numbers, sure they say they have like a million bajillion players, but those aren't concurrent players and most of those are probably smurfs and alts after getting banned for saying literally anything in chat. I'm genuinely curious how we can know which is more popular.

For me, it was HoN

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only russians play DOTA

No it's more popular because it's faster paced and easier to get better at it
Both are shit games though, I'm pretty sure a lot of league games are rigged to keep the winrates lower

HoN beta was so fun, holy shit

Dota has forced 50/50 winrate too.

In Dota they just pair you with people approximate to your skill level, which is expected, but in League it really feels like the game is forced, one game you're decimating the enemy team with zero effort and another game you deal no damage while the enemy team pulverizes you with a single autoattack, it makes zero sense.
But hey, it's addicting as fuck so people are gonna keep playing anyway

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