How big of a hit is this going to be among normalfags?

How big of a hit is this going to be among normalfags?

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>People grew to like and even develop nostalgia for the Miis
>Nintendo decides to replace them now


Miis are still in retard

Those models make it look like some F2P shovelware which probably is half right

eh. i wager it'll pull a third of the sales that Pokemon or Mario Kart does, if that.
the ideal time for a game like this is past, and it doesn't look to have a lot of investment on Nintendo's part. hell, even the title sounds sterile.

Not much. It should’ve been a bundled game like Wii Sports.

It'll do ok I guess. It looks like a throwaway shovelware title they had kicking around and then decided to slap the Wii Sports brand on top.


Resort got about 33 million sales WW, I expect it to end somewhere on that ballpark

I was thinking the same thing.

Should have been free. Not gonna pay for this.

no way in hell

What makes you entitled to getting something people worked on for free?

>Finally do something with Miis (Smash, Mario Golf, Mario Kart, Miitopia, avatars, and so on)
>Make a sequel of the games where Miis made their debut
>Offer a superior option to Miis
>For some weird reason, the game is coming out five years later after the Switch original release in 2017
>Is not bundled with the Switch (yet)
>But also is not free or cheap
Man, sometimes Nintendo is just fucking weird. I hope at least Nintendo bundles the game with every Switch later this year

Got it for free once, don’t feel like paying for the same game

This is a different game

Exact same gameplay, I will play Wii Sports instead.

it should be a perk of Switch online expansion

ah yes, me and the bros can finally get drunk as fuck again while still bowling strikes. fun times ahead.

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No fucking way they are rehashing this garbage.


Based, I just use my Wii U when my friends want to play wii sports.

That would have been more acceptable.

Not the same gameplay fron what they showed

Resort also had 12 sports instead of 6 (soon to be 7 in Fall). Needs to have shit like boxing at least.