Why haven't you finished your Pokedex yet?

Why haven't you finished your Pokedex yet?

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Filling the pokedex is boring as fuck

i am sex

Pretty much. I've caught 200+ Pokemon, beaten the final boss and captured most of the legendaries. I liked the game but I'm good for now.

Cope. I have 209 seen, Caught 186 so far and 71 entries so far.

because evolving takes a long fucking time, you horses ass

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You don't even need friends to trade with

> use this attack 40 times

leveling them up to the level they evolve at, you bagel

Been catching shinies. There's no rush.

takes no time at all because of xp candies you tard. just play the fucking game

I'm almost done with the dex

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unless youre farming the same fucking alphas theres no way to have enough candies for everything, tard

I did, then I caught a bunch of shinies and got bored

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you can catch the fully evolved versions as alphas in the game, tard. i completed the dex before the game officially released dont tell me its difficult faggot.

I only play Pokemon Go and I'm not paying for anything.

it takes 1-2 fights against ingo to evolve anything

No real reason to
I filled some dexes at my leisure, maybe a little more than a third or something, but otherwise I just got my arceus and got the fuck out

Thats all I'm doing. I'm an 8 star and I've only just calmed down Lilligant.

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