Company isn’t your friend

>company isn’t your friend
>capitalism is bad
>____ game is shit and here’s why a 5 hour essay

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Me when a black woman speaks

those are all true


>Carring what some shit head says about your favorite game.

I'll just tell you this now user, literally every other overly negative critique or review you see is made by another asshole on the internet. You control what you hear and see on here, if you don't want to bother with overly hyperbolic and negative reviews by smug shir head youtubers and game journos then don't give them the time of day.

Take everything with a dash of salt and sceptsim

>video essay

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Thanks user. Sometimes the negativity just gets to me

>getting butthurt when someone points out the truth that a company sees you as nothing more than a dollar sign

truth hurts

Companies AREN'T your friend, and capitalism as we have it now IS bad. Your favorite game is also shit, but that's just because you like it.

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You're fine, user. Any Forums is one of the worst places about it honestly. Everyone here is either a Hipster or just wants to look cool by saying a new/popular game is shit.

If a company gives me a good product and I give them money and they continue to give me a good product they are my friend and clearly don't hate me. The problem is the majority of people support shit companies because the majority of companies are shit companies and the people who do not shut the fuck up about "company doesn't care about you" still support them anyway

>company is your enemy
>Jewish cronyism is bad
>_______ game is shit and here's why - a 500 post thread every hour of every day for the next couple weeks/months
t. Any Forums

nah bro dude its the commies who made games a medium to extract as much profit for as little effort as possible and normalised extremely anti consumer behaviours in the industry.

that doujin was pretty hot

It’s not that. It’s that it’s common sense that a company is simply out to make money. It comes off as condescending when some fuckwad on Twitter acts like Jesus Christ himself when they point out the obvious fact that billion dollar corporations don’t have your best interest in mind. Like no shit? You’re not smart for saying that. I don’t know why it’s so common anytime any company does something people don’t like.

Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Calling out shit can stop companies getting complacent.

That's it? That's what you're upset over? The imagined mental superiority you've projected onto the people saying it?

Get angry over real issues not just people 'coming off as condescending' on twitter

>Nobody gives a shit about anything anyone has to say unless it's slapped in a 10 minute video where people just assume you're right because you went on that long
>Want to make a statement about the current situation about a game I like
>Have to make a fucking video essay even though it can be worded incredibly concisely because pretentious dickheads won't pay attention unless I read the entire thesaurus around what I'm actually trying to say

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"Capitalism" also technically isn't even real if you want to get into it.

>company isn’t your friend
Correct. Even if you like the game, dicksucking any corporation is dumb as fuck. They'd kill you and throw you in a ditch to make an extra $5 if they knew they'd get away with it.

>capitalism is bad
Debatable. Also not worth whining about. Good discussion can be had about the merits and detriments of the current system.

>____ game is shit and here’s why a 5 hour essay
Quit taking everything personally, you pussy. Criticism is an essential part of any design discussion. The only reason people like you whine about this shit is because you take any criticism of a game you like as a personal attack, which is idiotic. It's a game. You're allowed to enjoy it regardless of whether or not it's a critical masterpiece.

A 5 hour essay is legitimately more meaningful content than the pointless bitching you've graced us with in this thread. If you want to wank your favorite game in a hugbox, go to reddit.

>you have no real friends and are going to die alone
Ain't no crying to your mama, cause you're on your own in the real world(real world means you've been evaluated to be a burden moreso than a blessing and so people are going to treat you like human garbage)