Ermmm Nintendobros????

Ermmm Nintendobros????

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lol people were calling this day 1. Not surprising though since every other game got a complete version down the line.
Anyway, I heard 6 was shit. I wonder if the narrative is going to change now that it’s on PC

Didn't play 6 because I heard the frame rate was atrocious, how is it beyond that?

This game sucks. The inflated numbers make grinding not satisfying, the story is boring and extremely repetitive, and the performance is dogshit (but I guess that’ll be fixed in the PC port).

Only the first game was any good.

I was an apologist when everyone was shitting on this game during release. The game having an autobattle that can beat the game by itself is just disgusting and i fear the series will die because of it. Maybe nis proves me wrong and makes the next game hard.

Only one you played.

Why was this game exclusive in the first place? lol

The framerate was far from being the game's only problem.
Enjoy your polished turd, I guess.

It was never exclusive. It launched on both switch and PS4. The PS4 version was just Japan only until now.

>no xbox

>The inflated numbers make grinding not satisfying
Holy shit, this.
>Get a free trap for beating any Item God
>Base trap's stats are absolute garbage after stat inflation

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I always thought it was multiplat, never paid attention

Game is laggy and got downgraded. Didnt like the MCs design too.
They're literally shooting themselves on the foot here.

nah, the game is shit, only played the demo but it was enough, you dont even have weapon skills anymore and numbers are bloated to hell, i like big numbers but i prefer starting at the bottom hitting sub 100 like the other games.

How about port disgaea 3 psvita instead of this disaster

>That game with all that vtuber shit added to it
I was supposed to care?

Disgaea 3 and Disgaea D2 PC port when?

Don't ask questions, just buy Adell and beat postgame with him like every other Disgaea

D6 had the best story/cast of the series since Disgaea 1.

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I actually like the look of the cast but I heard everything related to gameplay and content was a major step back. Guess I’ll give it a pirate on PC.

What does he want to do with her?

Everyone with half a brain was waiting for the PC complete edition port, I didn't even bother to try the switch demo but now I'll finally be able to play it.