Is Dying Light 2 a good sequel

It seems like two step foward but step back once

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game is kino

This image reminds me about how if you don't go in GRE hospitals during the day you basically never fucking encounter Volatiles, the new chase system was a mistake.

If they added a heap more events and activities to do it would be great, the story gets in the way and there isnt a whole lot to do besides that.

I like the gameplay but I want a reason to keep going.

Dying Light 3 needs a entire map with skyscrapers shit is kino as fuck jump down from them or clipping up

Dying Light 1 has better graphics, there's almost no detail on that zombie model, what the fuck?

The survivors are all pieces of shit, especially compared to the PK



I think it's great. Night time was definitely way more cinematic and scary than in DL2 though. The story has always been shit in these games so no difference there. The parkour and combat are more satisfying than DL1. Overall it's mostly an improvement over an already good game. Most fun I've had playing a triple A game in quite awhile.

I remember playing DL1, the Volatile model was so detailed you could even see its beard hairs, here it's gone and the lighting is uglier too.

why wait for 3 instead of it being the expansion for 2?

>It doesn't look the same so it's less detailed

>establishes the suvivors need the PK to survive
>psych, the survivors ending establishes a utopia
>the PK ending establishes a fascist regime
Great writing, PK are nothing but nice to you the whole game, survivors try to kill you, backstab you and are incompetent, yet the implication is that without PK they establish a literal communist utopia where everyone shares and donates, even though as we saw in the game there are gangsters undercutting people and backstabbers that take everything for themselves because "anarchy is the only laws we need"

The game itself is at odds with the endings.

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DL2 looks like some cartoony kids game shit, it's retarded.

There's definitely gonna be an expansion that takes place in the Elysium district in the top right, shit was even used in the E3 reveal because of the roundabout.

Fuck forgot pic.

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I think the lighting was better I think but it looks alright, when DL2 is dark it looks great but the problem there is that it barely does true darkness like the first game. The real problem I have with the second game is that theres no hordes and the physics dont feel as good. Nerfing the kick was a brainlet decision, I dont even use it now compared to the first game, even if the combat is more nuanced now.

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I hope its just a dungeon crawl or something through that big castle, I refuse to play even more story shit, I just want to play the goddamn game not keep sitting in cutscenes that arent interesting.

>first game
>guns trivalize the game
>second game
>the crossbow trivalizes the game

I just don't like dlc outside souls games I didn't play any DL1 dlc because they came years after I finished the first game.