Happy birthday^

Gameplay's core is perfecting world by imagination and cute magic。^yni art-game (fairi cute magic academy)。^ultra dreamy and pure/cute magic project for everyfairi for studying cute magic& perfecting world by imagination and cute magic。^◌⑅ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𓈒◌܀𓂃𓂂𖡼⑅^

^#ユニ #かわいい魔法

...^so the game is yay truly and ultra dreamy and cute 。 "discover the joy of fairy imagination and elven architecture。yay!"
^A new shop was built in the fairy academy It was a very grand, beautiful shop with white walls and a pink pointed roof. The faeries looked in the windows to see what kind of shop it would be. Everynyan thought it would be a jeweller’s shop. But then one day, a delicious smell came from inside. “It’s a cake shop^ yaaay!” cried the chocolate pudding fairy. “yaaaay^” cried the raspberry fairy The faeries were very happy about the new shop, yay...^
"This art-game - the perfection and imagination is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it. Why contain it? Let it spill over into cake shops and jeweller's shop, let the sweets pile up in the streets...^"

「ユニAngelic Cute Magical Party」
I。Purest ynicracy ^(cute magic dreams and friendships and artstudying ...^)
Ⅱ。Most peaceful&dreamy country・・・^/castle^ I
Ⅲ。Intersubjective&cutemagical fairi freedoms

#かわいい魔法 #中二妖精 #ユニ妖精^ #ユニ
#かわいい魔法 #夢の魔法
yay, cake day

Attached: Screenshot_20220103-233809_Instagram.jpg (1434x1439, 203K)

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What in the goddamn... ?

Attached: What in the goddamn.jpg (943x472, 60.67K)

Can I get a yay?


based frufi


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Happy birthday!



happy birthday!

Is this some sort of coded pedo ring? Is there something I'm just missing? I don't get it.

Attached: Duri.jpg (1280x720, 75.7K)


pastel and cute pure Christian innocent Angelic yni^

Happy Birthday!

you are a newfag it seems

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absolute best thread on Any Forums right now
hope you have a good birthday yay friend

Attached: duane.gif (480x320, 718.34K)

Yay frufi!

>Why contain it?

Attached: 1496572925932.png (552x543, 358.17K)


Attached: yay.png (603x711, 266.91K)

Nah. OP is a weird, vaguely schizoid maybe-troon who lives in Japan. Despite their cocktail of mental illnesses, they're ultimately harmless and friendly, if inarticulate. He doesn't harass other users, just posts his weird shit for a few hours in one thread to update people on his "game" project then moves on with his day.