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Why exactly is this game so bad?

After they patched it and fixed bugs I re installed it and gave it another shot but something about the core game is really unappealing. I couldn’t stick with it.


>Why exactly is this game so bad?
It's lifeless. Big and empty.
It's like the second half of gothic 1, without the first half that introduces you to the world.
Factions and characters get introduced and discarded in a few missions, without any development or nuance.
And without any context in the game world, every decision feels meaningless.

Because the game feels like a stageplay; pretty to look at but hollow behind the scenes. You know in a game like Deus Ex or New Vegas things are interconnected in the background, affecting one another. CP77 is one step removed from a Far Cry, so all that PR talk about "the most immersive game of the decade" and "the next generation of open world RPG" just falls completely flat

it’s w3 in first person and with guns in a metropolis, the formula just doesn’t work

Why after Cyberpunk every game looks like shit? When other studios will reach CDPR level?

how many people who actually created Witcher 3 created this one? is this game's shiftiness really a by product of swamping the team with woke hidings? has there been any leaks from an insider that gives insight into what went wrong?

>Huge open world city
>Can't do anything but roam around and shoot
I dunno user.

The game was scrapped and redone from scratch when the retard that was the lead on Witcher 3 took over the project. Also, the main programmer behind RedEngine left the company.

So shitposting aside, what are the actual plans they got for this game from now on, what's on the pipeline?
Updates, DLC's?

We legitimately don't know because literally every single roadmap so far as failed. They first said we'd get patches and DLCs throughout 2021 which we didn't besides those two jackets and one car. They then said we'd get the next gen update late 2021 which again didn't happen. They then said we'd get it early 2022 and we're now in February.

hope that everyone forgets and moves on

we don't know. They still mentioned a story dlc coming but that they would only announce it properly when it was ready (lol).
I'm one of the few people who actually liked the game and i really enjoyed the world, so more story content is all i want.

What they are realistically doing, assuming they haven't bailed on it, is probably wasting time trying to add gta-like shit that wouldn't actually add anything to the game and would not be up to snuff for adhd retards.

I still can't ge tover the fact that the game touted it's character creation as being revolutionary in marketing and it turned out to be worse than Soul Calibur 3 on the PS2

2 weeks

They are working on a soft-reboot / "Enhanced
Edition" patch where they add cut content back into the game(similar to Witchers).
Being realistic:
They are hoping people forget when they go back to Witcher

Funny enough people who worked on witcher since the first one, created then own studio and make Ruiner which is better cyberpunk game then actuall cyberpunk 2077

>Still glitchy as fuck
>Troon pandering
>Visibly limited in choice options
>Visibly rushed story
>0 rewarding endings
>Flavor text is the same shit rewritten 50 times
All of this could be forgiven due to its cyberpunky "its supposed to be glitchy" idea, which sucks but might somewhat "explain" it sucking, if it wasnt for
>PS4 release being an ABSOLUTE FUCKING SCAM
And this in turn creates
>If we accept this, we accept 15 fps in major releases
>Great world that could be turned into something great by DLCs and sequels that will now never ever be redeemed
>Only way to redeem the game is to fix the PS4 version which just isnt gonna happen
>All the well done work goes to the trash because "we're CDPR, players are gonna forgive us"
>The fucking BALLS to do that
It is the worst game of all time

Patches, dlc's, expansions.

There's nothing to do in free roam.

user you could change your penis, it's revolutionary for the people who only care about games as far as tearing down an industry made by whites

Has it really been that long since launch?
I've done nothing in that time...