Do you watch cutscenes in mmos and waste other peopels time, anons?

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do xiv players really do this??

>watch video
>call it "playing a game"
Tranny game. Do you think you are "playing the game" when you watch your favorite epic streamer?

Would you stop trying to argue at this guy.
It's obvious he's just ragging on you for making him wait, he doesn't give a flying fuck about the semantics of watching cutscenes

I would just block that idiot so I don't have to hear his retarded responses anymore. Remember, you can't be banned if you don't say anything.

I want to ban all zoomers from mmos. You should be above 26 to play an mmorg


>cutscenes in an mmo
What awful game design. Glad I was never tricked into playing this game for little girls.

That's why I go with Trusts these days.


holy fuck storyniggers should be shot. iconically when games became more story focused is when the genre began to nosedive in quality, because the lobotomized sheep wanted MUH LORE and MUH CHARACTERIZATION


Attached: 1641141938187.webm (1080x1080, 2.38M)

>Twitch drone lingo
I hate streamers and the subhumans that watch and follow them around.

I think this is Lost Ark? Mostly getting it from the font used because imo it does not look like XIV font.
From my experience XIV people wait while being slightly annoyed about it or just pull if its 24man.

Why do chinks insist on twitch zoomy emoji spam in mmos. Its only been them that I've come across

I never skip cutscenes, sometimes if I feel extra devilish I turn off the option to auto skip cutscenes I've already seen just to waste people's time.

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Both of these individuals have very low IQ.

When doing story stuff i always tank so i can watch the cutscenes, they can bitch and moan all they want we're not going forward untill i'm done.

never seen anyone get angry over sprouts watching a cutscene, so no not really
If you want to fight the boss, go ahead without me. I will stay and watch the cutscene.

>complaining about someone watching a cutscene for a game they purchased
>typing twitch emotes unironically

Good lord I haven't played in over 2 years but I never saw shit like this in my life, what the fuck happened. I never once saw someone complain about this ingame and I have something like 4k hours

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wowfugees and twitch onions orbiters

The only time I ever see people talk about cutscenes is people joking about the Ifrit cutscene being longer than the actual fight.

Streamers happened.

>"legit peoega player”
I wish I could track down this kids location and blow his brains out in Terraria

How did you play Lost Ark 2 years ago? Some kind of VPN? I thought Koreans made you use a social security number to sign up for games but maybe that’s only League of Legends.

>I thought Koreans made you use a social security number to sign up for games
First I heard of that, though it does remind me about how autistic Sega was about nonJP players in PSO2 back in the day.

>legit boomer
>legit pepega player

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korea and china has that shit for pretty much all online games, that's why they always have their own servers