Announcing Portal+Portal 2 right before Steam Deck release

>announcing Portal+Portal 2 right before Steam Deck release
What did Gaben mean by this?

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Gaben retired and moved to New Zealand.
He has nothing to do with this.

Maybe they just honestly don't think vidya is a zero sum game

Valve always stated they wanted healthy competition

How much does portal cost on steam and will the games run better on the switch compared to PC?

3 dollars whenever there's a sale (for both)

"will the games run better on the switch compared to PC?"
you have to have a 17 year old laptop for them to not run perfectly
what did you mean by this

>games run better on the switch compared to PC?
you can see from trailer it dip to 20 fps

>will the games run better on the switch compared to PC
That's not a real question, right?

If you haven't played Portal by now then you deserve to get gouged 50 bucks

Weird. Its like he want people to benchmark it and compare to the deck

the question is what they'll port next, now that they have the engine working on the switch
part of me wants l4d2

these games run at 600 fps on a modern pc

Weird that they even bothered, i bet porting portal 2 to switch took some time and for what? Valve isnt a videogame company anymore they dont need to promote their ip's

nvidia did it for them, they didn't even have to do anything

Chell for Smash Bros.

They literally just released a game 2 years ago

valve vydia characters are too small time for Smash

>sell game you already made for 50 bucks to an audience who wouldn't usually try it, or even the same people twice

>he doesn't know about the black box

I can't figure it out either.
Can't be money. I mean sure, it's Portal and it's available to a new audience so it'll probably sell fine enough, but realistically, how much is Valve expecting to make from this? MAYBE a couple millions, at the very best? They make more than that in a day just by sitting on their asses.
I mean it ain't a loss or nothing, but at this point, for a company of this size, why even bother putting time, money and effort into this?
Maybe they're trying to make Portal relevent again, pop-culture wise? Rerelease it so it looks new and shit so when the deck drops people can go "Look it even runs the FRESH and HIP title everyone's talking about, Portal!"
I dunno.

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Make a bad port so people will play on the steam deck instead.

Some people refuse to play on PC, and the Steam Deck won’t be available for years.

>the question is what they'll port next, now that they have the engine working on the switch

Probably HL

L4D2 and HL2 would be kino.
TF2 would be godlike, but is never happening.

they're gonna show how much worse it runs on switch hardware compared to steam deck

Hope it has gyro aim.

They could just want more people to play their games. Valve hardly makes decisions based on money anymore. Besides, two games for 20-ish bucks, when other developers charge full price for 1. They do whatever they want.